Research Article
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Does Circumcision Accepted as a Surgical Operation in Our Society?

Year 2020, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 24 - 27, 29.04.2020


Background: Circumcision is a necessary surgical operation that must be performed by medical doctors at right time and right place. Aim of this study is to evaluate the approach and the knowledge of the families towards circumcision.
Materials and Methods: This study is conducted with 498 families with male children. Study is conducted as a survey that is composed of two section, which evaluated the approach and knowledge of the families towards circumcision.
Results: %75 of the attendees was thinking that circumcision is an obligation of their belief. %74 of the families were thinking that circumcision is protective against urinary tract infection, %60 of the attendees were thinking that circumcision is a simple procedure that has no complication. Furthermore, %60 of the families had either of the parents as authority for decision. % 33,6 of the families attended to the study pointed out that they performed the procedure at newborn era. % 80,8 of the attendees stated that they prefer hospital as procedure place. %75 of the families that prefer the hospital as operation place stated that they choose hospital because of hygiene. 17% of the families reported that they did not want to have a female doctor circumcised. %25 of the attendees stated that they took information from medical personnel and %77 of these families that their opinions about the procedure might change after briefing.
Conclusions: Findings of the study conclude that a significant level of the families do not consider circumcision as a surgical operation, as well as they are not aware of the benefits and complications of the circumcision.


  • 1. Bastos Netto JM, de Araújo JG Jr, de Almeida Noronha MF, Passos BR, de Bessa J Jr. Fiqueiredo AA. Prospective randomized trial comparing dissection with Plastibell circumcision. J Pediatr Urol 2010; 6:572-7. 2. Pieretti RV, Goldstein AM, Pieretti-Vanmarcke R. Late complications of newborn circumcision: a common and avoidable problem. Pediatr Surg Int 2010; 26:515-8.3. Krill AJ, Palmer LS, Palmer JS. Complications of circumcision. Scientific World Journal 2011; 11:2458-68.4. Hill G. The case against circumcision. The Journal of Men's Health and Gender. 2007:4(3):318-323.5. Kestel M, Tarhan H, Şahin H. Erkek sünneti. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp dergisi 2018;5(1):27-31.6. Yavuz M, Demir T, Doğangün B. Sünnetin çocuk ruh sağlığı üzerine etkisi gözden geçirme çalışması. Türk psikiyatri dergisi 2012; 23(1):63-70.7. Affusim C.C, Eromon P. Best age for male circumcision: A literature review. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering 2018:4(6):106-118. 8. Ahaghotu C, Okafor H, Igiehon E, Gray E. Psychosocial factors ınfluence parental decision for circumcision in pediatric males of African American decent. J Natl Med Assoc. 2009;101:325-330.9. Sansom SL, Prabhu VS, Hutchinson AB, An Q, Hall I, Shrestha RK et al. Cost-effectivenes of newborn circumcision in reducing lifetime HIV risk among US. Males. PLOS ONE 2010: 5 (1): e8723.10. Hutson JM. Circumcision: a surgeon’s perspective. J Med Ethics 2004;30:238-240. 11. Kacker S, Frick KD, Gaydos CA, Tobian AAR. Costs and effectiveness of neonatal male circumcision. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.2012;166(10):910-91812. Perera CL, Bridgewater FHG, Thavaneswaran P, Maddern GJ. Safety and efficacy of nontherapeutic male circumcision: a systematic review. Ann Fam Med.2010;8:64-7213. Prusente S, Khuzwayo N, Sickweyiya Y. Exploring factors influencing integration of traditional and medical male circumcision methods at ıngquza hill local municipality, eastern cape: a socio-ecological perspective. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med.2019;11(1):e1-e11.14. Earp BD. Do the benefits of male circumcision outweigh the risks? A critique of the proposed CDC quidelines. Frontiers in pedıatrıcs.2015:3(18):1-6.15. El Bcheraoui C, Zhang X, Cooper CS, Rose CE, Kilmarx PH, Chen RT. Rates of adverse events associated with male circumcision in U.S. medical settings, 2001 to 2010. JAMA Pediatr 2014; 168:625-634.16. Srinivasan M, Hamvas C, Coplen D. Rates of Complications After Newborn Circumcision in a Well-Baby Nursery, Special Care Nursery, and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2015; 54:1185-91.17. Hung YC, Chang DC, Westfal ML, Marks IH, Masiakos PT, Kelleher CM. A longitudinal population analysıs of cumulative risks of circumcision. J Surg Res 2019;(233):111-117.18. Binner SL, Mastrobattista JM, Day MC, Swaim LS, Monga M. Effect of Parental Education on Decision-Making About Neonatal Circumcision. South Med J 2002: 95(4):457-461.19. Mitchell TM, Beal C. Shared decision making for routine ınfant circumcision a pilot study. The journal of perinatal Education.2015;24(3):188-200. 20. Bisono GM, Simmons L, Volk RJ, Meyer D, Quinn TC, Rosenthal SL. Attitudes and Decision Making about Neonatal Male Circumcision in a Hispanic Population in New York City. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2012;51(10): 956–963. 21. Harris VC, Links AR, Walsh J, Lee AH, Tunkel DE, Boss EF. A systematic review of race/ethnicity and parental treatment decision-making. Clin Pediatr (Phila)2018;57:(12):1453-1464.22. Xu B, Goldman H. Newborn circumcision in Victoria, Australia: reasons and parental attitudes. ANZ J Surg. 2008 ;78(11):1019-22.23. Bossio JA, Pukall CF, Steele S. A review of the current state of the male circumcision literature. J Sex Med 2014;11:2847-2864.24. Freedman AL. The circumcision debate: beyond benefits and risks. Pedıatrics 2016:137(5):e20160594.25. R Adler, S Ottaway, S Gould. Circumcision: we have heard from the experts; now let's hear from the parents. Pediatrics 2001;107(2):E20. 26. Morris B j, Bailis SA, Wiswell TE. Circumcision rates in the United states.Rising or falling? what effect might the new affirmative pediatric policy statement have. Mayo Clin Proc 2014;89(5):677-686.27. Banieghbal B. Optimal time for neonatal circumcision: an observatio- based study. J Pediatr Urol 2009:5;359-362.

Toplumumuzda Sünnet Cerrahi Bir Operasyon Olarak Kabul Ediliyor mu?

Year 2020, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 24 - 27, 29.04.2020


Amaç: Sünnet doğru zamanda, doğru yerde ve hekimler tarafından yapılması gereken cerrahi bir işlemdir. Çalışmanın amacı ailelerin sünnet konusundaki yaklaşımını ve bilgi düzeyini değerlendirmektir.
Materyal ve Metod: Bu çalışma erkek çocuğu olan 498 ebeveyn ile gerçekleştirildi. Çalışma ailelerin sünnet konusundaki yaklaşımlarını ve bilgi düzeyini değerlendiren iki bölümden oluşan anket şeklinde yapıldı.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların %75’i inançları gereği sünnetin zorunlu olduğunu düşünüyordu. Ailelerin %74’ü sünnetin idrar yolu infeksiyonuna karşı koruyucu olduğunu düşündüğünü belirtti. Katılımcıların %60‘ı sünnetin basit bir işlem olduğunu, herhangi bir komplikasyonu olmadığını düşünüyordu. Ailelerin %60’ı anne-baba’nın sünnet karar verdiğini belirtti. Çalışmaya katılan ailelerin %33,6’sı yeni doğan döneminde sünnet yaptırdığını ifade etti. Katılımcıların %80,8’i hastanede sünnet yaptırdığını belirtti. Katılımcıların %75’i daha hijyenik koşullarda yapıldığı için hastanede sünnet yaptırdığını belirtti. Ailelerin %17’si kadın doktora sünnet yaptırmak istemediğini bildirdi. Katılımcıların %25‘inin sünnet ile ilgili sağlık çalışanlarından bilgi aldığını ve ailelerin %77’si bilgilendirme sonrası sünnet ile ilgili kararının değişebileceğini belirtti.
Sonuç: Çalışmamızda ailelerin azımsanmayacak oranda sünnetin faydaları ve komplikasyonlarının farkında olmadığı, sünneti cerrahi işlem olarak kabul etmediği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • 1. Bastos Netto JM, de Araújo JG Jr, de Almeida Noronha MF, Passos BR, de Bessa J Jr. Fiqueiredo AA. Prospective randomized trial comparing dissection with Plastibell circumcision. J Pediatr Urol 2010; 6:572-7. 2. Pieretti RV, Goldstein AM, Pieretti-Vanmarcke R. Late complications of newborn circumcision: a common and avoidable problem. Pediatr Surg Int 2010; 26:515-8.3. Krill AJ, Palmer LS, Palmer JS. Complications of circumcision. Scientific World Journal 2011; 11:2458-68.4. Hill G. The case against circumcision. The Journal of Men's Health and Gender. 2007:4(3):318-323.5. Kestel M, Tarhan H, Şahin H. Erkek sünneti. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp dergisi 2018;5(1):27-31.6. Yavuz M, Demir T, Doğangün B. Sünnetin çocuk ruh sağlığı üzerine etkisi gözden geçirme çalışması. Türk psikiyatri dergisi 2012; 23(1):63-70.7. Affusim C.C, Eromon P. Best age for male circumcision: A literature review. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering 2018:4(6):106-118. 8. Ahaghotu C, Okafor H, Igiehon E, Gray E. Psychosocial factors ınfluence parental decision for circumcision in pediatric males of African American decent. J Natl Med Assoc. 2009;101:325-330.9. Sansom SL, Prabhu VS, Hutchinson AB, An Q, Hall I, Shrestha RK et al. Cost-effectivenes of newborn circumcision in reducing lifetime HIV risk among US. Males. PLOS ONE 2010: 5 (1): e8723.10. Hutson JM. Circumcision: a surgeon’s perspective. J Med Ethics 2004;30:238-240. 11. Kacker S, Frick KD, Gaydos CA, Tobian AAR. Costs and effectiveness of neonatal male circumcision. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.2012;166(10):910-91812. Perera CL, Bridgewater FHG, Thavaneswaran P, Maddern GJ. Safety and efficacy of nontherapeutic male circumcision: a systematic review. Ann Fam Med.2010;8:64-7213. Prusente S, Khuzwayo N, Sickweyiya Y. Exploring factors influencing integration of traditional and medical male circumcision methods at ıngquza hill local municipality, eastern cape: a socio-ecological perspective. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med.2019;11(1):e1-e11.14. Earp BD. Do the benefits of male circumcision outweigh the risks? A critique of the proposed CDC quidelines. Frontiers in pedıatrıcs.2015:3(18):1-6.15. El Bcheraoui C, Zhang X, Cooper CS, Rose CE, Kilmarx PH, Chen RT. Rates of adverse events associated with male circumcision in U.S. medical settings, 2001 to 2010. JAMA Pediatr 2014; 168:625-634.16. Srinivasan M, Hamvas C, Coplen D. Rates of Complications After Newborn Circumcision in a Well-Baby Nursery, Special Care Nursery, and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2015; 54:1185-91.17. Hung YC, Chang DC, Westfal ML, Marks IH, Masiakos PT, Kelleher CM. A longitudinal population analysıs of cumulative risks of circumcision. J Surg Res 2019;(233):111-117.18. Binner SL, Mastrobattista JM, Day MC, Swaim LS, Monga M. Effect of Parental Education on Decision-Making About Neonatal Circumcision. South Med J 2002: 95(4):457-461.19. Mitchell TM, Beal C. Shared decision making for routine ınfant circumcision a pilot study. The journal of perinatal Education.2015;24(3):188-200. 20. Bisono GM, Simmons L, Volk RJ, Meyer D, Quinn TC, Rosenthal SL. Attitudes and Decision Making about Neonatal Male Circumcision in a Hispanic Population in New York City. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2012;51(10): 956–963. 21. Harris VC, Links AR, Walsh J, Lee AH, Tunkel DE, Boss EF. A systematic review of race/ethnicity and parental treatment decision-making. Clin Pediatr (Phila)2018;57:(12):1453-1464.22. Xu B, Goldman H. Newborn circumcision in Victoria, Australia: reasons and parental attitudes. ANZ J Surg. 2008 ;78(11):1019-22.23. Bossio JA, Pukall CF, Steele S. A review of the current state of the male circumcision literature. J Sex Med 2014;11:2847-2864.24. Freedman AL. The circumcision debate: beyond benefits and risks. Pedıatrics 2016:137(5):e20160594.25. R Adler, S Ottaway, S Gould. Circumcision: we have heard from the experts; now let's hear from the parents. Pediatrics 2001;107(2):E20. 26. Morris B j, Bailis SA, Wiswell TE. Circumcision rates in the United states.Rising or falling? what effect might the new affirmative pediatric policy statement have. Mayo Clin Proc 2014;89(5):677-686.27. Banieghbal B. Optimal time for neonatal circumcision: an observatio- based study. J Pediatr Urol 2009:5;359-362.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Tülin Öztaş 0000-0002-1010-3324

Muhammet Asena This is me 0000-0002-0033-8672

Publication Date April 29, 2020
Submission Date November 6, 2019
Acceptance Date February 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


Vancouver Öztaş T, Asena M. Toplumumuzda Sünnet Cerrahi Bir Operasyon Olarak Kabul Ediliyor mu?. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;17(1):24-7.

Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi  / Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty