Current Issue

Volume: 9 Issue: 4, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Family Practice and Palliative Care (FPPC) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published quarterly without any publication charges. However, a submission fee and editorial processing fee are required after initial manuscript evaluation, irrespective of acceptance or rejection based on relevance to the journal's scope.

FPPC is indexed in national databases (Tr-Dizin/ULAKBIM) and international databases (DOAJ and Index Copernicus). The journal accepts submissions in both Turkish and English; however, accepted manuscripts are published only in English. FPPC welcomes articles across all medical disciplines (internal medicine, surgery, basic sciences, etc.) that contribute to the multidisciplinary and biopsychosocial approach of family medicine.

The journal particularly encourages submissions focusing on palliative care, as it aims to advance this field within family medicine. FPPC is dedicated to enhancing the quality of manuscripts through respectful, empathetic communication and constructive editorials adhering to international scientific standards. Moreover, the journal strives to contribute significantly to scientific publishing, family practice, and palliative care.

Editorial Process and Peer Review

It is mandatory for the researcher to keep the data of each research published for 5 years. According to the rules of our publication policy and the international publishing organizations we are involved in, we will be able to ask the authors of the data and analysis programs of some articles from time to time.

Steps of the Peer-Review and Publishing Process

Step 1Step 2 
Step 3 
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1-6
With SecretaryWith Editor
In Review
With Author
In Review
In Production

Reviewer Invited
Under Resubmission
Reviewer Invited

With Editor

Under Review
Under Revision
Under Review

With Author

Additional Reviews Required

Additional Reviews Required

With Reviewer

Understanding Manuscript Steps

1. With Secretary: The journal has received the submission and is conducting an initial editorial assessment and screening for requirements such as: Competing interests, Compliance with editorial policies and ethical standards, financial disclosures, Data availability. Submissions may be returned to authors for changes or clarifications at this stage. If plagiarism, citation manipulation, data falsification/fabrication is detected, COPE guidelines will be followed.

2. With Editor: After completing internal checks, each new submission is assigned to an Academic Editor with relevant expertise. The editor reviews the manuscript against our publication criteria and determines whether reviews from additional experts are needed to evaluate the manuscript.
3. In Review: The handling editor selects reviewers based on expertise, publication history, and past reviews, and invites them to provide feedback on the manuscript. After agreeing to review, external peer reviewers typically have 10 days to submit their review. The journal office will follow up with late reviewers and keep you informed if there are any delays. Some or all assigned reviewers have submitted comments.
4. With Author: The handling editor has a decision of minor or major revision. Author has invited authors for revision.
5. In Review: The handling editor has invited peer reviewers to evaluate the revision. Some or all assigned reviewers have submitted comments.
6. In Production: The handling editor has a decision and sent to the authors.
1-6. Overdue: Processing step has overdue.

During the submission process you’ll be asked to indicate any specific editors or reviewers who should not review your manuscript. We will respect your request so long as it does not interfere with the objective and thorough assessment of the submission.

FPPC uses double-anonymized peer review. Reviewers and authors remain anonymous in our submission system.
It's important to understand that the purpose of an appeal is not to reevaluate the viewpoints or judgments of peer reviewers or editors; rather, it may pertain to the editorial process. If a procedure is identified that doesn't align with the journal's policies, appropriate corrective actions will be implemented.

Editorial Decisions: The handling Academic Editor makes the final decision. The time to render a first decision averages about 45 days, but times vary depending on how long it takes for the editor to receive and assess reviews. The editor considers reviewer feedback and their own evaluation of the manuscript in order to reach a decision. The following decision types are available: Reject, Major revision, Minor revision, Accept. Decisions are communicated to the corresponding author in a formal letter, along with reviewer feedback and any other requirements from the journal office.

Revisions: If the editor feels that your manuscript has the potential to be published, but requires changes, you’ll be invited to revise it. You’ll have 30 days to resubmit the revised manuscript for both a major or a minor revision. In most cases, the revised manuscript is re-assigned to the original Academic Editor. The editor may make a new decision based on their own assessment of the revised manuscript and your response to reviewers or request additional input from external peer reviewers.

Accepted Manuscripts: When the handling editor is satisfied with the scientific aspects of the manuscript, they’ll issue an editorial accept decision. This is a provisional acceptance, pending final checks for formatting and technical requirements. Once the final requirements are fulfilled, the journal office will send a formal accept decision, and your manuscript will move on to production.

Rejected Manuscripts / Appeals: Authors may submit a formal appeal for rejected submissions. Appeal requests must be made in writing to with the word “Appeal” in the subject line. Authors must provide detailed reasons for the appeal and point-by-point responses to the reviewers' and/or Academic Editor's comments.

Submission Preparation Checklist
All authors must complete and upload the following files as part of the submission process.
    2. ICMJE Form
    3. Cover File
    6. Ethical Approval

As part of the submission process, authors must ensure their submission complies with the following guidelines; submissions not adhering to these guidelines may be returned.

Manuscript Template (consist of 18 titles)

[En] The standard structure of the body of research articles must be in that order and with that titles as below. (without item numbering)
[Tr] Bir araştırma makalesinin gövdesi aşağıdaki başlıklar ile ve bu sırayla olmalıdır. (madde numaralandırmaları kullanılmadan)

1. English title
2. English (ABSTRACT): 300-600 words (instead of title and keywords)
    a. Introduction:
    b. Methods:
    c. Results:
    d. Conclusions:
    e. Keywords: Must be three to five keywords and checked with
3. Turkish title
4. Turkish abstract (ÖZ): 300-600 kelime (başlık ve anahtar kelimeler hariç)
    a. Giriş:
    b. Yöntem:
    c. Bulgular:
    d. Sonuç:
    e. Anahtar kelimeler:
5. Key points: Key Results: 2-4 items derived from your research; each one should be a single sentence. ([Tr] Anahtar Sonuçlar: 2-4 adet, araştırmanızla elde edilmiş, her biri tek cümle olmalıdır)
    a. …
    b. …
6. Introduction (Giriş)
7. Methods (Yöntem)
8. Ethical approval, informed consent and permissions
    a. Ethics Committee title, date, and the number
    b. Informed consent
    c. Permissions
9. Statistical analysis
10. Results (Bulgular)
    a. Tables and figures
11. Discussion (Tartışma)
12. Limitations (Kısıtlılıklar)
13. Conclusion (Sonuç)
    a. recommendations for future research
14. Conflict of interest: Write whether there is a conflict of interest and attach the following author contribution table ([Tr] Çıkar çatışması olup olmadığını yazınız ve aşağıdaki yazar katkı tablosunu ekleyiniz)
Author Contributions
Author Initials
SCD Study Conception and Design
AD Acquisition of Data
AID Analysis and Interpretation of Data
DM Drafting of Manuscript
CR Critical Revision

15. Financial support (Finansal destek): Declare whether you receive financial support or not. (Finansal destek alıp almadığınızı beyan ediniz.)
16. Acknowledgments (Teşekkür)
17. Prior publication: It should be reported that it was not presented as a paper or published in another journal beforehand, or if a paper was made, the congress name, year, city, country information should be given.
([Tr] Öncesinde bildiri olarak sunulmadığı veya başka dergide yayınlanmadığı bildirilmeli veya bildiri yapıldıysa kongre adı, yıl, şehir, ülke bilgisi verilmelidir.)
18. References: References should be numbered using the sort button in the Word menu. ([Tr] Kaynaklar, Word menüsünde yer alan sıralama butonuyla numaralandırılmalıdır)

Details in Manuscript and Reference Writing

English [En]
Turkish [Tr]
An article should not contain an excessive number of co-authors to preserve the integrity of authorship rights (ideally, should be six authors or fewer). 
Bir makale, yazarlık hakkı olamayacak kadar çok sayıda ortak yazar içermemelidir. (İdeal olarak altı yazar veya daha az olmalı)
At least three contributions for each author must be marked in the author contribution form, this form must be uploaded to the system AND given in the table in the conflict of interest section of the article text.
Yazar katkı formunda her yazar için en az üç katkının işaretlenmesi, bu formun sisteme yüklenmesi VE makale metninin çıkar çatışması bölümünde yer alan tabloda verilmelidir.
In the Prior publication section, it should be stated whether the article has been previously presented as a paper.
Prior publication bölümünde makalenin daha önce bildiri olarak sunulup sunulmadığı bildirilmelidir.
The titles in the abstract and in the full text must FULLY comply with the journal writing rules (18 titles must be the same)
Özet ve tam metindeki başlıkların dergi yazım kurallarına TAM uymalıdır (18 başlık aynı olmalı)
References in the text should be in square brackets at the end of the sentence, before the period and after a space [1].
Metin içinde referansların cümle sonunda, noktadan önce ve bir boşluk sonrasında köşeli parantez içinde olmalıdır [1].
The ethical approval must be uploaded and be valid. The name of the ethics committee, the date and number of permissions should be written in the full text under its own title.
Etik onay yüklenmeli ve geçerli olmalıdır. Etik kurul adı, izin tarihi ve sayısı tam metinde kendi başlığı altında yazılmalıdır.
Company, City, Country information is given in parentheses for special drugs and devices: SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA,) version 16-22??? EMLA Cream (AstraZeneca, London, UK), Tanita BC418 (Tanita Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)
Özel ilaç ve cihazların parantez içinde Firma, Şehir, Ülke bilgisinin verilmiş olması: SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA,) version 16-22??? EMLA Krem (AstraZeneca, London, UK), Tanita BC418 (Tanita Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)
For semantic integrity, the relevant sentences must be justified and unindented paragraphs (aligned to the page margin), and there must be a space between paragraphs using Enter.
Anlam bütünlüğü için ilgili cümlelerin iki yana yaslı ve girintisiz (sayfa kenar boşluğuna hizalı) paragraf olması, paragraf arası Enter ile boşluk olmalıdır.
Tables and figures are not placed at the end of the article; It should be positioned where it is cited in the article.
Tablo ve figürler makalenin sonunda değil; makale içinde atfedildiği yerde konumlandırılmalıdır.
There must be an explanation under each Table and Figure (it must be explained as text), and the abbreviations used, and the applied statistics must be clearly written under the table.
Her Tablo ve Figürün altında açıklama olmalı (Metin olarak izah edilmeli) ve kullanılan kısaltmaların, uygulanan istatistiklerin tablo altında açık olarak yazılmış olması gereklidir.
In the abstract and the article, the full value of p, r, t, z values should be written three digits after the comma (p=0.023, t=-2.015 or χ2=1.562). (For example, the form p<0.05 or p>0.05 or p=0.000 is not appropriate)
Özet ve tam metinde p, r, t, z değerlerinin tam değerinin virgülden sonra üç hane yazılmalıdır (p=0.023, t=-2,015 veya χ2=1,562). (Örn. p<0.05 veya p>0.05 veya p=0.000 şekli uygun değil)
In decimal expressions, a comma should be used in the Turkish abstract, and a period should be used in all the remaining articles (even if it is a Turkish article) (e.g., 0.032. Especially in p, r, t, z values). Commas should be used for numbers of four digits or more (Ex. 1,578,153).
Ondalıklı ifadelerde; Türkçe özette virgül, geri kalan tüm makalede (Türkçe makale olsa bile) nokta kullanılmalıdır (Ör. 0.032. Özellikle p, r, t, z değerlerinde). Dört hane ve üzeri sayılarda virgül kullanılmalıdır (Ör. 1,578,153).
The number of decimal digits after the decimal point must be the same throughout the article (except for p, r, t, u, z values).
Ondalıklı sayıların virgülden sonraki hane sayısı tüm makalede aynı olmalıdır (p, r, t, u, z değerleri hariç).

Page Layout
The manuscripts should be typed in a Microsoft Word™ and DOCX file (version 7.0 and more), 1.15-spaced with 1.27 cm margins on each side and 9-point type Times New Roman font. "System International" (SI) units should be used. Tables and graphics should be referred in the text. The abbreviations (should be written briefly in the first place they appear and then be explained in parenthesis) could be used in the abstracts and in the text.

Methods section should be described briefly, including the statistical analyses used. While expressing the results, percentages and means in decimals should de given as 2 digits after the point (112.20 or 112.21 instead of 112.2). P, t, and Z values are exceptional and should be given as 3 digits after the point (p<0.001 instead of p<0.05).

If the work has been presented in a scientific meeting before, the name, date and place of the meeting should be supplied.

Please submit, with the manuscript, the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of two potential referees. Note that the editor retains the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested reviewers are used.

The cover page should include the titles in Turkish and English, the category of the manuscript names of the institutions, name, address, telephone, fax number and mail address of the corresponding author.

Following the abstract sections of the scientific articles in Turkish and English, at least 3 key words should be given in the appropriate language in that format of Index Medicus "Medical Subject Headings". Key words in Turkish should be the exact translation of MESH terms and chosen among ‘’Turkey Scientific Terms’’, for that reason, the authors should use and
Main text should not exceed 3000 words (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures), and 30 references.

In review articles, written upon invitation, new progress on the subject should be handled together with the author’s experiences. Non-structured, brief, explanatory Turkish and English abstracts not more than 400 words should take place. Review articles must not exceed 5000 words for the main text (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figure legends). Number of the authors should not exceed 5 and number of references should not exceed 60.

Case Reports
The abstract should be brief, descriptive, and should not exceed 600 words.
Case report should contain these sections.
    • Titles in Turkish and English
    • Abstracts in Turkish and English (why the case has been proposed for publication should be    declared clearly),
    • Key words in Turkish and English,
    • Introduction
    • Case Presentation (Tables, figures),
    • Discussion,
    • Conclusion,
    • Keywords,
    • References.
Case reports must not exceed 1200 words (excluding references, tables, and figure legends). Case reports can be signed by no more than 5 authors and can have no more than 10 references and 5 figures or tables.

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor must not exceed 500 words (excluding references). An abtract is not required with this type of manuscripts. A letter can be signed by no more than 4 authors and can have no more than 5 references and 1 figure or table.

For reference style, please refer to “ICMJE Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Sample References”. References should be numbered in the order they appear in the text and should be given at the end of the sentences, and before full stop [1].

All authors should be listed if the number is six or fewer, otherwise list the first six and then add et al. If online references are to be used do not forget to give date of access in parentheses. Journal abbreviations should conform to the style used in the Cumulated Index Medicus.

For journal articles, the citation should be as follows; surnames, initials of the author names, title of the article, name of the journal, year, volume, number and inclusive pages. Please use the abbreviation for the journal names, you may use the full name if the abbreviation form does not exist.

As an option, if a journal carries continuous pagination throughout a volume (as many medical journals do) the month and issue number may be omitted. Examples for both situations;

Berg AO, Allan DJ, Homer JC, Johnson MS, Klein DJ, Lieu AT, et al. Preventive Services Task Force: Screening for depression: Recommendations and rationale. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136(10):760-4.

Korytina G, Kochetova O, Akhmadishina L, Viktorova E, Victorova T. Polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 genes in three ethnic groups from Russia. Balkan Med J. 2012;29:252-60.

Citation from a book should be as follows;
Tos M. Cartilage tympanoplasty. 1st ed. Stuttgart-New York: Georg Thieme Verlag; 2009.

Citation from a book which has a single author and editor should be as follows;
Neinstein LS. The office visit, interview techniques, and recommendations to parents. In: Neinstein LS (ed). Adolescent Health Care. A practical guide. 3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams&Wilkins; 1996:46-60.

Citation from a book which has authors and editors more than one, should contain notably the author names of the chapter;
Schulz JE, Parran T Jr: Principles of identification and intervention. In: Principles of Addiction Medicine, Graham AW. Shultz TK (eds). American Society of Addiction Medicine, 3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams&Wilkins; 1998:1-10.

If the editors are the authors of a chapter within the book;
Diener HC, Wilkinson M (editors). Drug-induced headache. In: Headache. First ed., New York: Springer-Verlag;1988:45-67.

For references from PhD thesis;
Kilic C. General Health Survey: A Study of Reliability and Validity. PhD Thesis, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatrics, Ankara; 1992.

For references from an internet site; name of the site, URL address, names of authors if present and date of access should be given in detail. (Access Date: September 11, 2023)

Giving DOI;
Joos S, Musselmann B, Szecsenyi J. Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine into Family Practice in Germany: Result of National Survey. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011. OR

Publication Ethics: Research and publication ethics must be complied with in the articles to be submitted. The responsibility of the manuscripts belongs to the authors.
The scientific papers to be submitted to our journal should comply with the current recommendations of the World Health Editorial Board (ICMJE) and the standards of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE). Submitted articles must be unpublished and not under review in any other setting.
Ethical committees' approval for experimental, clinical and drug research according to the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration and the informed consent of the participants should be taken and detailed in the Methods section of the article. In animal studies, it should be stated that the study was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Guidance on the Use and Care of Laboratory Animals and the ethics committee approval was obtained from the relevant institution.
It is mandatory to upload the Author Contribution, Ethical Approval and ICMJE forms at the submission stage. Retrospective studies are also included in this rule.

Policies for authorship and contributorship / Authorship Rights Policy: Authors are required to declare a minimum of one contribution to be recognized as a contributor and a minimum of three contributions to qualify for authorship. These contributions should be selected from the following categories: Study Conception and Design, Acquisition of Data, Analysis and Interpretation of Data, Drafting of Manuscript, and Critical Revision.

Conflict of Interest: Authors should declare that there is no conflict of interest and also, if there is any, the status for their financial support should be clear at the end of the article.

Managing complaints and appeals: It's important to understand that the purpose of an appeal is not to reevaluate the viewpoints or judgments of peer reviewers or editors; rather, it may pertain to the editorial process. If a procedure is identified that doesn't align with the journal's policies, appropriate corrective actions will be implemented.

Policies for data sharing and reproducibility: By facilitating independent verification of raw data, methods, and outcomes, the policies encourage the reproducibility of published results. This process validates the efforts of the original researchers, instills confidence in the scientific community, and promotes further advancement based on findings. For best practices, we recommend the sharing of scientific data in a repository, facilitating broader accessibility and fostering transparency in research.

Ethical oversight policy: A minimum of two articles from each published issue undergoes evaluation by external observers/accreditors who operate independently from the journal. This evaluation is conducted in accordance with ethical standards and the publication process by TR Index of ULAKBIM, ensuring an objective assessment.

TR Index of ULAKBIM: One of the main missions of ULAKBIM is to develop products to reflect the scientific knowledge of Türkiye. One of the most important studies conducted in this context is the TR Index (carried out under the name of National Databases-UVT until the end of 2013), which was developed in accordance with international standards in order to enable researchers to access national and scientific content electronically.
The TR Index being created by ULAKBIM consists of journals in the main fields of Science and Social Sciences, and subfields of Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Basic Sciences, Health Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Social Sciences and Humanities.
The national scientific journals constituting the scope of the TR Index are selected by the committees consisting of specialists and academicians in the relevant fields and ULAKBIM TR Index experts according to the Journal Evaluation Criteria.
TR Index can be scanned through the web page since August 2000. In addition to the bibliographic information (article name, author, abstract, etc.) of the articles in the journals included in the index, full text of the article can also be accessed depending on the participation agreement signed between the directorate of ULAKBIM and journal editors.

Publication Malpractice Statement
FPPC is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of publication. The prevention of publication malpractice is a shared responsibility among all stakeholders, including authors, reviewers, editors, and the publisher. In line with the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), we outline the following principles and procedures to address issues of malpractice.

Author Responsibilities
1. Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure that their work is original and properly cited. Plagiarism in any form, including self-plagiarism, is unacceptable and will result in rejection or retraction of the manuscript.
2. Data Accuracy: Authors must provide accurate data and information in their manuscripts. Any manipulation, falsification, or fabrication of data is considered unethical and will be treated as malpractice.
3. Authorship: Authorship should be based on substantial contributions to the research and manuscript. All authors should have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript. Ghostwriting and guest authorship are discouraged.
4. Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial or non-financial conflicts of interest that could influence the research or its interpretation. Failure to disclose such conflicts may result in retraction.

Reviewer Responsibilities
1. Objectivity: Reviewers should conduct their reviews objectively and provide constructive feedback. Personal bias or conflicts of interest that may affect impartial judgment should be disclosed to the editor.
2. Confidentiality: Reviewers should treat submitted manuscripts as confidential documents. They must not use or disclose any part of the manuscript for personal gain.
3. Promptness: Reviewers should complete their reviews in a timely manner. If they cannot meet the deadline or have a conflict of interest, they should inform the editor promptly.

Editor Responsibilities
1. Fairness: Editors are responsible for making unbiased and fair decisions. Manuscripts should be evaluated based on their academic merit without regard to the author's identity, nationality, or institutional affiliation.
2. Confidentiality: Editors must ensure the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts. They should not disclose information about the manuscript to anyone other than the author, reviewers, and necessary editorial staff.
3. Publication Decisions: Editors should make publication decisions based on the manuscript's significance, originality, and quality, as well as its alignment with the journal's scope. They should not be influenced by conflicts of interest.

Publisher Responsibilities
1. Plagiarism Detection:
The publisher is responsible for implementing plagiarism detection tools and processes to identify and prevent plagiarism in published content.
2. Correction and Retraction: The publisher will cooperate with the editor and author in cases of suspected misconduct or errors in published articles. Corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern will be issued as necessary.

Reporting and Investigation
Suspected cases of malpractice will be investigated thoroughly in accordance with COPE guidelines. Appropriate actions will be taken, which may include correction, retraction, or other measures as deemed necessary.
We expect all parties involved in the publication process to adhere to these ethical principles. Failure to do so may result in sanctions, including but not limited to rejection of manuscripts, retraction of published articles, and notification of relevant institutions and authorities.
For inquiries or concerns related to publication ethics, please contact the editorial office at

Policy on intellectual property and conditions for use: Family Practice and Palliative Care is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). A pdf version of the articles published in the journal may be used in accordance with the SHERPA / RoMEO policy.

231px-Approved-for-free-cultural-works.svg.pngThis means you are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections: Guidance Based on COPE Flowcharts and Infographics
1. Post-Publication Critiques: After a manuscript is published, it may face various critiques from fellow researchers and readers, spanning from methods to results. COPE flowcharts and infographics provide a step-by-step illustration of how to address these critiques, encouraging their consideration and response.
2. Corrections and Retractions: When it is determined that a published paper contains inadvertent errors or is based on unethical practices, COPE flowcharts and infographics demonstrate how to execute correction or retraction procedures. These processes ensure that incorrect information is rectified or, when necessary, that the paper is retracted appropriately.
3. Transparency and Accountability: COPE flowcharts and infographics foster transparency and accountability. Researchers and journals must address critiques openly and manage correction or retraction processes transparently to gain the trust of the scientific community and elevate the quality of scientific publications.

Plagiarism Policy: Definition (COPE): Plagiarism ranges from the unreferenced use of others’ published and unpublished ideas, including research grant applications to submission under “new” authorship of a complete paper, sometimes in a different language. It may occur at any stage of planning, research, writing, or publication: it applies to print and electronic versions.

Plagiarism detection: A web-based tool can be used in the editorial process to identify matching text, but it cannot, on its own, identify plagiarism. Manual examination of the matching text is still required, and judgment used to identify if plagiarism has occurred or not. In case of suspected plagiarism in a submitted manuscript, COPE directions are followed (COPE flowchart).

Publishing schedule: Six issues per year; January, March, May, July, October, December.

Archiving: LOCKSS system has permission to collect, preserve, and serve this open access Archival Unit.

Open Access Policy: Family Practice and Palliative Care (FPPC) has adopted the “open access policy” by considering the principle increasing the global exchange of the knowledge that generates useful results for humanity. FPPC is an "open access" journal the content of which is available to all users freely. Users can read the articles in full text, download, print out and link to articles citing the journal without taking permission from the publisher or the author(s).

Advertising Policy: Advertisements new to the FPPC require approvement. Neither advertisers nor their agents may collect any personal information from any user viewing the FPPC Web site except with the user’s knowledge and permission and only after giving the user substantive information about the uses to which the information will be put. Similarly, cookies, applets and other such files are prohibited if those files transmit any personally identifiable information to the advertisers or agencies without the user’s knowledge and permission. The full rules for any market research or promotion associated with an advertisement must be displayed in the ad or available via a prominent link.

Revenue sources: The Submission Fee and Editorial Processing Fee are charged to authors and are not subject to acceptance/rejection, and these fees do not affect the editorial decision-making process.

The Submission Fee and Editorial Processing Fee are charged to authors and are not subject to acceptance/rejection, and these fees do not affect the editorial decision-making process.

Family Practice and Palliative Care       ISSN 2458-8865       E-ISSN 2459-1505