Research Article
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The Effect of Education with Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study

Year 2022, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 42 - 48, 14.03.2022


Objective: In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of simulated patient and education on the empathy levels of third-year students in medical school.
Method: The study was carried out with 269 volunteer students. As a data collection tool, a short information form and the Jefferson Empathy Scale-Student Form were used. The scale was applied twice before and after the interview. Independent samples T test and Man Whitney U test were used for comparisons between the two groups.
Results: The average age of the students was 21±2.04 and 54.6% (n=147) were female. Total empathy scores of the students was found as 116.63±17.86 before the interview, and 117.35±18.48 after the interview, but this increase was not statistically significant (p>0.05). After the interview, a significant increase in the total empathy scores of female students (p<0.05) was detected. Women's total empathy scores before and after the interviews were significantly higher than male students (p<0.05). The total scores of the students who prefered the medical school due to their ideal/willingness to help people before (117,92±17,15) and after (119,10±17,68) the interview was significantly higher than the students who prefered the medical school due to other reasons (p=0.01). No significant difference was found between the empathy scores of students with and without doctors in their family (p>0.05). Ninety-four percent of the students emphasized that empathy was what they realized as the most important thing in this interview.
Conclusion: Education with the simulated patient affects empathy attitudes. After the experience of giving bad news with the simulated patient, nearly all of the students understood the importance of empathy in patient-physician communication.

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We would like to thank our students who participated in the study.


  • Hojat M, Gonnella JS, Mangione S, Nasca TJ, Veloski JJ, Erdmann JB, et al. Empathy in medical students as related to academic performance, clinical competence and gender. Medical education. 2002;36(6):522-7.
  • Hojat M, Vergare MJ, Maxwell K, Brainard G, Herrine SK, Isenberg GA, et al. The devil is in the third year: a longitudinal study of erosion of empathy in medical school. Academic Medicine. 2009;84(9):1182-91.
  • Epstein RM, Hundert EM. Defining and assessing professional competence. Jama. 2002;287(2):226-35.
  • Neumann M, Bensing J, Mercer S, Ernstmann N, Ommen O, Pfaff H. Analyzing the “nature” and “specific effectiveness” of clinical empathy: a theoretical overview and contribution towards a theory-based research agenda. Patient education and counseling. 2009;74(3):339-46.
  • Baile WF, Buckman R, Lenzi R, Glober G, Beale EA, Kudelka AP. SPIKES—a six‐step protocol for delivering bad news: application to the patient with cancer. The oncologist. 2000;5(4):302-11.
  • Suchman AL, Markakis K, Beckman HB, Frankel R. A model of empathic communication in the medical interview. Jama. 1997;277(8):678-82.
  • Di Blasi Z, Kleijnen J. Context effects: powerful therapies or methodological bias? Evaluation & the health professions. 2003;26(2):166-79.
  • Suchman AL, Matthews DA. What makes the patient-doctor relationship therapeutic? Exploring the connexional dimension of medical care. Annals of internal medicine. 1988;108(1):125-30.
  • Roter DL, Stewart M, Putnam SM, Lipkin M, Stiles W, Inui TS. Communication patterns of primary care physicians. Jama. 1997;277(4):350-6.
  • Shapiro J, Morrison EH, Boker JR. Teaching empathy to first year medical students: evaluation of an elective literature and medicine course. Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice. 2004;17(1).
  • Jeffrey D. A meta-ethnography of interview-based qualitative research studies on medical students’ views and experiences of empathy. Medical teacher. 2016;38(12):1214-20.
  • Batt-Rawden SA, Chisolm MS, Anton B, Flickinger TE. Teaching empathy to medical students: an updated, systematic review. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(8):1171-7.
  • Hemmerdinger JM, Stoddart SD, Lilford RJ. A systematic review of tests of empathy in medicine. BMC medical education. 2007;7(1):1-8.
  • Tanrıverdi EÇ. Tıpta Kötü Haber Verme. . In: E A, editor. Aile Hekimliğinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2019. p. 59-65.
  • Girgis A, Sanson-Fisher RW. Breaking bad news: consensus guidelines for medical practitioners. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1995;13(9):2449-56.
  • Colliver JA, Willis MS, Robbs RS, Cohen DS, Swartz MH. Assessment of empathy in a standardized-patient examination. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 1998;10(1):8-11.
  • Boelen C. The five-star doctor: An asset to health care reform? Geneva: World Health Organization. 2018.
  • Frank J SL, Sherbino JC. Physician competency framework. Ottawa: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. ; 2015.
  • Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). General Competencies. 2005.
  • Gülpınar M GE, Songur A, Vitrinel A. Mezuniyet öncesi tıp eğitimi ulusal çekirdek eğitim programı 2014.
  • Hojat M, Mangione S, Gonnella JS, Nasca T, Veloski JJ, Kane G. Empathy in medical education and patient care. Academic Medicine. 2001;76(7):669.
  • Gönüllü İ, Öztuna D. Jefferson Doktor Empati Ölçeği Öğrenci Versiyonunun Türkçe Adaptasyonu. Marmara Medical Journal. 2015;25(2):87-92.
  • Tanrıverdi EÇ. Tıp eğitiminde iletişim becerilerinin yeri ve önemi, kanıta dayalı bulgular. In: E ÇT, editor. Tıp Eğitiminde İletişim Becerileri Ankara:: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2021. p. 10-6.
  • Hojat M, Mangione S, Nasca TJ, Rattner S, Erdmann JB, Gonnella JS, et al. An empirical study of decline in empathy in medical school. Medical education. 2004;38(9):934-41.
  • Rees C, Sheard C. Evaluating first-year medical students' attitudes to learning communication skills before and after a communication skills course. Medical Teacher. 2003;25(3):302-7.
  • Yardım S, Şenol Y. Standart Hasta ile Eğitimlerin Öğrencilerin Empatik Beceri Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkileri. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2020; (4):5-10.
  • Karaca A, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Eğitim ile empatik beceri ve empatik eğilim geliştirilebir mi?: bir sağlık yüksekokulu örneği. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013(3):118-22.
  • Hojat M, Zuckerman M, Magee M, Mangione S, Nasca T, Vergare M, et al. Empathy in medical students as related to specialty interest, personality, and perceptions of mother and father. Personality and Individual Differences. 2005;39(7):1205-15.
  • Teke AK, Cengiz E, Demir C. Hekimlerin empatik özelliklerinin ölçümü ve bu ölçümlerin demografik değişkenlere göre değişimi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2010;19(3):505-16.
  • Yiğitbaş Ç, Deveci SE, Açık Y, Ozan AT, Oğuzöncül AF. Sağlık eğitimi alan bir grup öğrencinin empatik eğilim ve becerisi. SDU Journal of Health Science Institute/SDÜ Saglik Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2013;4(1).
  • Shariat SV, Habibi M. Empathy in Iranian medical students: measurement model of the Jefferson scale of empathy. Medical teacher. 2013;35(1):e913-e8.
  • Cangür Ş, Gamsızkan Z. Evaluation of empathic tendency and comunication skills in grade 3 students in faculty of medicine. The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. 2019;10(2):89-97.
  • Karaoğlu N, Batı AH, Şenol Y, Naçar M, Özer A, Altıntaş L. Türkiye'de Tıp Eğitimi Tıp Öğrencilerinin yanlızlık, Anksiyete, Depresyon Düzeylerini ve Empatik Eğilimlerini Etkiliyor mu? Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2012;34(34):13-8.
  • Roh M-S, Hahm B-J, Lee DH, Suh DH. Evaluation of empathy among Korean medical students: a cross-sectional study using the Korean Version of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy. Teaching and learning in medicine. 2010;22(3):167-71.
  • Hamed OA, Alahwal A, Basri A, Bukhari B, Hamed O, Shaheen A, et al. Personal, cultural and academic factors affecting empathy score in third year medical students. Int J Educ Res. 2015;3:727-40.

Simüle Hasta ile Eğitimin Tıp Öğrencilerinin Empati Tutumları Üzerine Etkisi: Bir Müdahale Çalışması

Year 2022, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 42 - 48, 14.03.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, simüle hasta ile eğitimin tıp fakültesi üçüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin empati düzeyleri üzerine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma gönüllü 269 öğrenci ile gerçekleştirildi. Verilerin toplanmasında kısa bir bilgi formu ile Jefferson Empati Ölçeği-Öğrenci Formu kullanıldı. Ölçek öğrencilere görüşme öncesi ve sonrası iki kez uygulandı. İki grup arasındaki karşılaştırmalarda bağımsız gruplarda t testi ve Man Whitney U testi kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 21±2.04, %54.6’sı (n=147) kadındı. Öğrencilerin toplam empati skorları görüşme öncesinde 116,63±17,86, sonrasında ise 117.35±18.48 bulundu ancak bu artış istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (p>0.05). Görüşme sonrası kadın öğrencilerin toplam empati skorlarında anlamlı bir artış saptandı (p<0.05). Kadınların görüşme öncesi ve sonrası empati toplam empati skorları erkek öğrencilerden anlamlı şekilde yüksekti (p<0.05). Tıp fakültesini ideal/insanlara yardım etme isteği nedeniyle tercih eden öğrencilerin hem başlangıç skorları (117.92±17.15) hem de görüşme sonrası toplam skorları (119.10±17.68), diğer nedenlerle tercih yapan öğrencilerden anlamlı şekilde yüksekti (p=0.01). Ailesinde doktor bulunan ve bulunmayan öğrenciler arasında empati skorları açısından anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı (p>0.05).
Sonuç: Simüle hasta ile eğitim empati tutumlarını etkilemektedir. Simüle hasta ile eğitimden sonra öğrencilerin tamamına yakını hasta-hekim ilişkisinde empatinin önemini anlamıştır.

Project Number



  • Hojat M, Gonnella JS, Mangione S, Nasca TJ, Veloski JJ, Erdmann JB, et al. Empathy in medical students as related to academic performance, clinical competence and gender. Medical education. 2002;36(6):522-7.
  • Hojat M, Vergare MJ, Maxwell K, Brainard G, Herrine SK, Isenberg GA, et al. The devil is in the third year: a longitudinal study of erosion of empathy in medical school. Academic Medicine. 2009;84(9):1182-91.
  • Epstein RM, Hundert EM. Defining and assessing professional competence. Jama. 2002;287(2):226-35.
  • Neumann M, Bensing J, Mercer S, Ernstmann N, Ommen O, Pfaff H. Analyzing the “nature” and “specific effectiveness” of clinical empathy: a theoretical overview and contribution towards a theory-based research agenda. Patient education and counseling. 2009;74(3):339-46.
  • Baile WF, Buckman R, Lenzi R, Glober G, Beale EA, Kudelka AP. SPIKES—a six‐step protocol for delivering bad news: application to the patient with cancer. The oncologist. 2000;5(4):302-11.
  • Suchman AL, Markakis K, Beckman HB, Frankel R. A model of empathic communication in the medical interview. Jama. 1997;277(8):678-82.
  • Di Blasi Z, Kleijnen J. Context effects: powerful therapies or methodological bias? Evaluation & the health professions. 2003;26(2):166-79.
  • Suchman AL, Matthews DA. What makes the patient-doctor relationship therapeutic? Exploring the connexional dimension of medical care. Annals of internal medicine. 1988;108(1):125-30.
  • Roter DL, Stewart M, Putnam SM, Lipkin M, Stiles W, Inui TS. Communication patterns of primary care physicians. Jama. 1997;277(4):350-6.
  • Shapiro J, Morrison EH, Boker JR. Teaching empathy to first year medical students: evaluation of an elective literature and medicine course. Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice. 2004;17(1).
  • Jeffrey D. A meta-ethnography of interview-based qualitative research studies on medical students’ views and experiences of empathy. Medical teacher. 2016;38(12):1214-20.
  • Batt-Rawden SA, Chisolm MS, Anton B, Flickinger TE. Teaching empathy to medical students: an updated, systematic review. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(8):1171-7.
  • Hemmerdinger JM, Stoddart SD, Lilford RJ. A systematic review of tests of empathy in medicine. BMC medical education. 2007;7(1):1-8.
  • Tanrıverdi EÇ. Tıpta Kötü Haber Verme. . In: E A, editor. Aile Hekimliğinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2019. p. 59-65.
  • Girgis A, Sanson-Fisher RW. Breaking bad news: consensus guidelines for medical practitioners. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1995;13(9):2449-56.
  • Colliver JA, Willis MS, Robbs RS, Cohen DS, Swartz MH. Assessment of empathy in a standardized-patient examination. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 1998;10(1):8-11.
  • Boelen C. The five-star doctor: An asset to health care reform? Geneva: World Health Organization. 2018.
  • Frank J SL, Sherbino JC. Physician competency framework. Ottawa: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. ; 2015.
  • Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). General Competencies. 2005.
  • Gülpınar M GE, Songur A, Vitrinel A. Mezuniyet öncesi tıp eğitimi ulusal çekirdek eğitim programı 2014.
  • Hojat M, Mangione S, Gonnella JS, Nasca T, Veloski JJ, Kane G. Empathy in medical education and patient care. Academic Medicine. 2001;76(7):669.
  • Gönüllü İ, Öztuna D. Jefferson Doktor Empati Ölçeği Öğrenci Versiyonunun Türkçe Adaptasyonu. Marmara Medical Journal. 2015;25(2):87-92.
  • Tanrıverdi EÇ. Tıp eğitiminde iletişim becerilerinin yeri ve önemi, kanıta dayalı bulgular. In: E ÇT, editor. Tıp Eğitiminde İletişim Becerileri Ankara:: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2021. p. 10-6.
  • Hojat M, Mangione S, Nasca TJ, Rattner S, Erdmann JB, Gonnella JS, et al. An empirical study of decline in empathy in medical school. Medical education. 2004;38(9):934-41.
  • Rees C, Sheard C. Evaluating first-year medical students' attitudes to learning communication skills before and after a communication skills course. Medical Teacher. 2003;25(3):302-7.
  • Yardım S, Şenol Y. Standart Hasta ile Eğitimlerin Öğrencilerin Empatik Beceri Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkileri. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2020; (4):5-10.
  • Karaca A, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Eğitim ile empatik beceri ve empatik eğilim geliştirilebir mi?: bir sağlık yüksekokulu örneği. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013(3):118-22.
  • Hojat M, Zuckerman M, Magee M, Mangione S, Nasca T, Vergare M, et al. Empathy in medical students as related to specialty interest, personality, and perceptions of mother and father. Personality and Individual Differences. 2005;39(7):1205-15.
  • Teke AK, Cengiz E, Demir C. Hekimlerin empatik özelliklerinin ölçümü ve bu ölçümlerin demografik değişkenlere göre değişimi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2010;19(3):505-16.
  • Yiğitbaş Ç, Deveci SE, Açık Y, Ozan AT, Oğuzöncül AF. Sağlık eğitimi alan bir grup öğrencinin empatik eğilim ve becerisi. SDU Journal of Health Science Institute/SDÜ Saglik Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2013;4(1).
  • Shariat SV, Habibi M. Empathy in Iranian medical students: measurement model of the Jefferson scale of empathy. Medical teacher. 2013;35(1):e913-e8.
  • Cangür Ş, Gamsızkan Z. Evaluation of empathic tendency and comunication skills in grade 3 students in faculty of medicine. The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. 2019;10(2):89-97.
  • Karaoğlu N, Batı AH, Şenol Y, Naçar M, Özer A, Altıntaş L. Türkiye'de Tıp Eğitimi Tıp Öğrencilerinin yanlızlık, Anksiyete, Depresyon Düzeylerini ve Empatik Eğilimlerini Etkiliyor mu? Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2012;34(34):13-8.
  • Roh M-S, Hahm B-J, Lee DH, Suh DH. Evaluation of empathy among Korean medical students: a cross-sectional study using the Korean Version of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy. Teaching and learning in medicine. 2010;22(3):167-71.
  • Hamed OA, Alahwal A, Basri A, Bukhari B, Hamed O, Shaheen A, et al. Personal, cultural and academic factors affecting empathy score in third year medical students. Int J Educ Res. 2015;3:727-40.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Esra Çınar Tanrıverdi 0000-0001-8857-3986

Kenan Taştan 0000-0002-6020-1379

Project Number yok
Publication Date March 14, 2022
Acceptance Date November 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Çınar Tanrıverdi, E., & Taştan, K. (2022). The Effect of Education with Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study. Konuralp Medical Journal, 14(1), 42-48.
AMA Çınar Tanrıverdi E, Taştan K. The Effect of Education with Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study. Konuralp Medical Journal. March 2022;14(1):42-48. doi:10.18521/ktd.990762
Chicago Çınar Tanrıverdi, Esra, and Kenan Taştan. “The Effect of Education With Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study”. Konuralp Medical Journal 14, no. 1 (March 2022): 42-48.
EndNote Çınar Tanrıverdi E, Taştan K (March 1, 2022) The Effect of Education with Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study. Konuralp Medical Journal 14 1 42–48.
IEEE E. Çınar Tanrıverdi and K. Taştan, “The Effect of Education with Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study”, Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 42–48, 2022, doi: 10.18521/ktd.990762.
ISNAD Çınar Tanrıverdi, Esra - Taştan, Kenan. “The Effect of Education With Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study”. Konuralp Medical Journal 14/1 (March 2022), 42-48.
JAMA Çınar Tanrıverdi E, Taştan K. The Effect of Education with Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2022;14:42–48.
MLA Çınar Tanrıverdi, Esra and Kenan Taştan. “The Effect of Education With Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study”. Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, 2022, pp. 42-48, doi:10.18521/ktd.990762.
Vancouver Çınar Tanrıverdi E, Taştan K. The Effect of Education with Simulated Patient on the Empathy Attitudes of Medical Students: An Intervention Study. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2022;14(1):42-8.