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Klora Maruz Kalan A549 Hücre Hattında Çeşitli Antioksidanların Etkileri

Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 309 - 313, 20.09.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı; organizmada hipokloridin toksisitesini azaltan antioksidanlar olan berberin, N-Asetil sistein (NAC) ve askorbik asidin A549 hücre hattında hücre ölümü üzerine olan etkilerinin sodyum hipoklorit varlığında in vitro olarak tespit edilmesidir. 
Materyal-Metot: Adenokarsinomik insan alveolar bazal epitel hücre hattı olan A549’un %5 karbon dioksit ile 37° C sıcaklığa ayarlı inkübatörde kültürlenerek yayılması ve çoğalması sağlanmıştır. Berberin; NAC ve askorbik asidin etkilerinin incelenmesi amacıyla her bir etken maddenin üç dozu (50 µM, 100 µM ve 200 µM) sodyum hipoklorit (0.5 µM) ile muamele edilerek A549 hücrelerine uygulanmıştır. İnkübasyon sürecinde hücrelerin yayılması ve çoğalması; hücre sensörü tarafından algılanan empedansın elektronik okuması işlemini gerçekleştiren xCELLigence gerçek zamanlı hücre analiz sistemi kullanılarak eş zamanlı olarak izlenmiştir.  
Bulgular: xCELLigence kullanılarak yapılan gerçek zamanlı hücre analizinde özellikle yüksek konsantrasyonlardaki (500 µM ve 1.000 µM) sodyum hipokloridin A549 akciğer hücre hattında sitotoksik etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca berberin, NAC ve askorbik asidin sodyum hipoklorit varlığında A549 hücre hattı üzerinde doza bağımlı olarak hücre ölümünde artışa neden olduğu da gözlemlenmiştir.
Sonuç: Sodyum hipokloridin A549 hücre hattı üzerine olan etkileri gerçek zamanlı olarak görüntülenerek reaktif oksijen türlerinin toksik dozlarda akciğerler üzerindeki etkileri gösterilmiştir. Klor maruziyeti sonrasında ortaya çıkan hipokloröz asidin oksidatif etkilerinin çeşitli antioksidanların kullanılmasıyla azalttığı bilinmektedir. Bununla birlikte çeşitli dozlarda uygulanan berberin, NAC ve askorbik asit gibi antioksidanların sodyum hipoklorit varlığında A549 hücre hattında toksik etkileri azaltmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Klor maruziyetinde tedavi yaklaşımlarının etkinliklerin karşılaştırıldığı deneysel çalışmalarda bu üç önemli antioksidanın neden olduğu etkilerin mekanizmalarının araştırılmasına ve hücresel hasarı azaltacak antioksidan cevabı sağlayabilecek etkin dozun tespit edilmesine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.  


  • 1. Jirásek V, Lukes P. Formation of reactive chlorine species in saline solution treated by non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure He/O2 plasma jet. Plasma Source Science and Technology, 2019;28(3).
  • 2. Cabezas CE, Briones AC, Aguirre C, Pardo-Esté C, Castro-Severyn J, Salinas CR et al. The transcription factor SlyA from Salmonella Typhimurium regulates genes in response to hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite. Res Microbiol, 2018; 169(6): 263-78.
  • 3. Severing AL, Rembe JD, Koester V, Stuermer EK. Safety and efficacy profiles of different commercial sodium hypochlorite/hypochlorous acid solutions (NaClO/HClO): antimicrobial efficacy, cytotoxic impact and physicochemical parameters in vitro. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2018; 74(2): 365-72.
  • 4. Fukuzaki S. Mechanisms of actions of sodium hypochlorite in cleaning and disinfection processes. Biocontrol Science, 2006; 11(4): 147-57.
  • 5. Güngör N, Knaapen AM, Munnia A, Peluso M, Haenen GR, Chiu RK et al. Genotoxic effects of neutrophils and hypochlorous acid. Mutagenesis, 2009; 25(2): 149-54.
  • 6. Hoyle GW, Svendsen ER. Persistence effects of chlorine inhalation on respiratory health. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2017; 1378(1): 33-40.
  • 7. Robaszkiewicz A, Pogorzelska M, Bartosz G, Soszyński. Chloric acid (I) affects antioxidant defense of lung epitelial cells. Toxicol In Vitro, 2011; 25(7): 1328-34.
  • 8. Ivanovska N, Philipov S. Study on the anti-inflammatory action of Berberis vulgaris root extract, alkaloid fractions and pure alkaloids. Int J Immunopharmacol, 1996; 18(10): 553-61.
  • 9. Peng PL, Hsieh YS, Wang CJ, Hsu JL, Chou FP. Inhibitory effect of berberine on the invasion of human lung cancer cells via decreased productions of urokinase-plasminogen activator and matrix metalloproteinase-2. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2006; 214(1): 8-15.
  • 10. Sadowska AM, Manuel-Y-Keenoy B, De Backer WA. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory efficacy of NAC in the treatment of COPD: discordant in vitro and in vivo dose-effects: a review. Pulm pharmacol Ther, 2007; 20(1): 9-22.
  • 11. Vissers MC, Lee WG, Hampton MB. Regulation of apoptosis by vitamin C. specific antioxidant protection against exposure to chlorinated oxidants. J Biol Chem, 2001; 276(59): 46835-40.
  • 12. Ke N, Wang X, Xu X, Abassi YA. The xCELLigence system for real-time and label-free monitoring of cell viability. Methods Mol Bio, 2011; 740; 33-43.
  • 13. Kurz DJ, Decary S, Hong Y, Trivier E, Akhmedov A, Erusalimsky JD. Chronic oxidative stress compromises telomere integrity and accelerates the onset of senescence in human endothelial cells. J Cell Sci, 2004; 117(11): 2417-26.
  • 14. Zavodnik IB, Lapshina EA, Zavodnik LB, Labieniec M, Bryszewska M, Reiter RJ. Hypochlorous acid-induced oxidative stress in chinese hamster B14 cells: viability, DNA and protein damage and the protective action of melatonin. Mutat Res. 2004; 559(1-2): 39-48.
  • 15. Park EJ, Yi J, Chung KH, Ryu DY, Choi J, Park K. Hypochlorous acid-induced oxidative stress in Chinese hamster B14 cells: viability, DNA and protein damage and the protective action of melatonin. Mutat Res, 2004; 559(1-2): 39-48.
  • 16. Robaszkiewicz A, Bartosz G, Soszyński M. N-Chloroamino acids mediate the action of hypochlorite on A549 lung cancer cells in culture. Toxicology, 2010; 270(2-3): 112-20.
  • 17. Ingels F, Deferme S, Destexhe E, Oth M, Van den Mooter G, Augustijns P. Simulated intestinal fluid as transport medium in the Caco-2 cell culture model. Int J Pharm, 2002; 232(1): 183-92.
  • 18. Bast A, Haenen GR, Doelman CJ. Oxidants and antioxidants: state of the art. Am J Med, 1991; 91(3): 2S-13S.
  • 19. Kuo ML, Huang TS, Lin JK. Curcumin, an antioxidant and anti-tumor promoter, induces apoptosis in human leukemia cells. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1996; 1317(2): 95-100.
  • 20. Inoue M, Suzuki R, Koide T, Sakaguchi N, Ogihara Y, Yabu Y. Antioxidant, gallic acid, induces apoptosis in HL-60RG cells. Biochemical Biophys Res Commun, 1994; 204(2): 898-904.
  • 21. Mittler R. Oxidative stress, antioxidants and stress tolerance. Trends in plant science. 2002;7(9):405-10.
  • 22. Urso ML, Clarkson PM. Oxidative stress, exercise, and antioxidant supplementation. Toxicology. 2003;189(1-2):41-54.
  • 23. Zafarullah M, Li W, Sylvester J, Ahmad M. Molecular mechanisms of N-acetylcysteine actions. Cell Mol Life Sc. 2003; 60(1): 6-20.
  • 24. Cossarizza A, Franceschi C, Monti D, Salvioli S, Bellesia E, Rivabene R et al. Protective effect of N-acetylcysteine in tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptosis in U937 cells: the role of mitochondria. Exp Cell Res. 1995; 220(1): 232-40.
  • 25. Penugonda S, Mare S, Lutz P, Banks WA, Ercal N. Potentiation of lead-induced cell death in PC12 cells by glutamate: protection by N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA), a novel thiol antioxidant. Toxicol Appl Pharmaco. 2006; 216(2):197-205.
  • 26. Tsai JC, Jain M, Hsieh CM, Lee WS, Yoshizumi M, Patterson C et al. Induction of apoptosis by pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate and N-acetylcysteine in vascular smooth muscle cells. J Biol Chem. 1996; 271(7): 3667-70.
  • 27. Nargi JL, Ratan RR, Griffin DE. p53-independent inhibition of proliferation and p21Waf1/Cip1-modulated induction of cell death by the antioxidants N-acetylcysteine and vitamin E. Neoplasia. 1999; 1(6): 544-56.
  • 28. Kurbacher CM, Wagner U, Kolster B, Andreotti PE, Krebs D, Bruckner HW. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improves the antineoplastic activity of doxorubicin, cisplatin, and paclitaxel in human breast carcinoma cells in vitro. Cancer Lett. 1996; 103(2):183-9.
Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 309 - 313, 20.09.2019



  • 1. Jirásek V, Lukes P. Formation of reactive chlorine species in saline solution treated by non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure He/O2 plasma jet. Plasma Source Science and Technology, 2019;28(3).
  • 2. Cabezas CE, Briones AC, Aguirre C, Pardo-Esté C, Castro-Severyn J, Salinas CR et al. The transcription factor SlyA from Salmonella Typhimurium regulates genes in response to hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite. Res Microbiol, 2018; 169(6): 263-78.
  • 3. Severing AL, Rembe JD, Koester V, Stuermer EK. Safety and efficacy profiles of different commercial sodium hypochlorite/hypochlorous acid solutions (NaClO/HClO): antimicrobial efficacy, cytotoxic impact and physicochemical parameters in vitro. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2018; 74(2): 365-72.
  • 4. Fukuzaki S. Mechanisms of actions of sodium hypochlorite in cleaning and disinfection processes. Biocontrol Science, 2006; 11(4): 147-57.
  • 5. Güngör N, Knaapen AM, Munnia A, Peluso M, Haenen GR, Chiu RK et al. Genotoxic effects of neutrophils and hypochlorous acid. Mutagenesis, 2009; 25(2): 149-54.
  • 6. Hoyle GW, Svendsen ER. Persistence effects of chlorine inhalation on respiratory health. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2017; 1378(1): 33-40.
  • 7. Robaszkiewicz A, Pogorzelska M, Bartosz G, Soszyński. Chloric acid (I) affects antioxidant defense of lung epitelial cells. Toxicol In Vitro, 2011; 25(7): 1328-34.
  • 8. Ivanovska N, Philipov S. Study on the anti-inflammatory action of Berberis vulgaris root extract, alkaloid fractions and pure alkaloids. Int J Immunopharmacol, 1996; 18(10): 553-61.
  • 9. Peng PL, Hsieh YS, Wang CJ, Hsu JL, Chou FP. Inhibitory effect of berberine on the invasion of human lung cancer cells via decreased productions of urokinase-plasminogen activator and matrix metalloproteinase-2. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2006; 214(1): 8-15.
  • 10. Sadowska AM, Manuel-Y-Keenoy B, De Backer WA. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory efficacy of NAC in the treatment of COPD: discordant in vitro and in vivo dose-effects: a review. Pulm pharmacol Ther, 2007; 20(1): 9-22.
  • 11. Vissers MC, Lee WG, Hampton MB. Regulation of apoptosis by vitamin C. specific antioxidant protection against exposure to chlorinated oxidants. J Biol Chem, 2001; 276(59): 46835-40.
  • 12. Ke N, Wang X, Xu X, Abassi YA. The xCELLigence system for real-time and label-free monitoring of cell viability. Methods Mol Bio, 2011; 740; 33-43.
  • 13. Kurz DJ, Decary S, Hong Y, Trivier E, Akhmedov A, Erusalimsky JD. Chronic oxidative stress compromises telomere integrity and accelerates the onset of senescence in human endothelial cells. J Cell Sci, 2004; 117(11): 2417-26.
  • 14. Zavodnik IB, Lapshina EA, Zavodnik LB, Labieniec M, Bryszewska M, Reiter RJ. Hypochlorous acid-induced oxidative stress in chinese hamster B14 cells: viability, DNA and protein damage and the protective action of melatonin. Mutat Res. 2004; 559(1-2): 39-48.
  • 15. Park EJ, Yi J, Chung KH, Ryu DY, Choi J, Park K. Hypochlorous acid-induced oxidative stress in Chinese hamster B14 cells: viability, DNA and protein damage and the protective action of melatonin. Mutat Res, 2004; 559(1-2): 39-48.
  • 16. Robaszkiewicz A, Bartosz G, Soszyński M. N-Chloroamino acids mediate the action of hypochlorite on A549 lung cancer cells in culture. Toxicology, 2010; 270(2-3): 112-20.
  • 17. Ingels F, Deferme S, Destexhe E, Oth M, Van den Mooter G, Augustijns P. Simulated intestinal fluid as transport medium in the Caco-2 cell culture model. Int J Pharm, 2002; 232(1): 183-92.
  • 18. Bast A, Haenen GR, Doelman CJ. Oxidants and antioxidants: state of the art. Am J Med, 1991; 91(3): 2S-13S.
  • 19. Kuo ML, Huang TS, Lin JK. Curcumin, an antioxidant and anti-tumor promoter, induces apoptosis in human leukemia cells. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1996; 1317(2): 95-100.
  • 20. Inoue M, Suzuki R, Koide T, Sakaguchi N, Ogihara Y, Yabu Y. Antioxidant, gallic acid, induces apoptosis in HL-60RG cells. Biochemical Biophys Res Commun, 1994; 204(2): 898-904.
  • 21. Mittler R. Oxidative stress, antioxidants and stress tolerance. Trends in plant science. 2002;7(9):405-10.
  • 22. Urso ML, Clarkson PM. Oxidative stress, exercise, and antioxidant supplementation. Toxicology. 2003;189(1-2):41-54.
  • 23. Zafarullah M, Li W, Sylvester J, Ahmad M. Molecular mechanisms of N-acetylcysteine actions. Cell Mol Life Sc. 2003; 60(1): 6-20.
  • 24. Cossarizza A, Franceschi C, Monti D, Salvioli S, Bellesia E, Rivabene R et al. Protective effect of N-acetylcysteine in tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptosis in U937 cells: the role of mitochondria. Exp Cell Res. 1995; 220(1): 232-40.
  • 25. Penugonda S, Mare S, Lutz P, Banks WA, Ercal N. Potentiation of lead-induced cell death in PC12 cells by glutamate: protection by N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA), a novel thiol antioxidant. Toxicol Appl Pharmaco. 2006; 216(2):197-205.
  • 26. Tsai JC, Jain M, Hsieh CM, Lee WS, Yoshizumi M, Patterson C et al. Induction of apoptosis by pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate and N-acetylcysteine in vascular smooth muscle cells. J Biol Chem. 1996; 271(7): 3667-70.
  • 27. Nargi JL, Ratan RR, Griffin DE. p53-independent inhibition of proliferation and p21Waf1/Cip1-modulated induction of cell death by the antioxidants N-acetylcysteine and vitamin E. Neoplasia. 1999; 1(6): 544-56.
  • 28. Kurbacher CM, Wagner U, Kolster B, Andreotti PE, Krebs D, Bruckner HW. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improves the antineoplastic activity of doxorubicin, cisplatin, and paclitaxel in human breast carcinoma cells in vitro. Cancer Lett. 1996; 103(2):183-9.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Article

Sermet Sezigen 0000-0002-4658-5046

Meral Sarper This is me 0000-0002-9741-0641

Publication Date September 20, 2019
Submission Date June 14, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


Vancouver Sezigen S, Sarper M. Klora Maruz Kalan A549 Hücre Hattında Çeşitli Antioksidanların Etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;10(3):309-13.

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