Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


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Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original and have not been published anywhere or submitted to a journal for evaluation.
If the studies submitted to the journal are published, all publication and distribution rights belong to Current Research in Social Sciences. Appropriate bibliographical information is required in manuscripts. In some special cases, the use of the full text is subject to the journal's permission.
Manuscripts submitted to the journal are sent to at least two (2) referees to be determined from institutions except the authors' institutions. Within the framework of the referee reports, the manuscript is recommended for the publication process with the academic decision of the editorial board and editor. The final evaluation decision belongs to the managing editor. The journal does not justify unpublished studies.
Authors are required to read the copyright agreement before submitting their work. The responsibility of the published articles belongs to the authors. The opinions in the articles are not the responsibility of the journal.
The submitted manuscripts are evaluated in terms of compliance with the principles of manuscipt preparation rules before academic evaluation. Manuscirpts that do not have the desired points are returned to the author or authors.
Authors can re-organize the rejected manuscrips within the framework of the editor and / or referee reports and submit them to the journal as new studies.
There is no word limitation in the articles presented, except for "abstract", "öz" "keywords" and "anahtar kelimeler" sections.
Whether the studies submitted to the journal require ethics committee approval or similar legal / special permission (See the Research Ethics Section) should be stated before the study. In these types of permission should have some information, (i) from which institution the permission was obtained, (ii) on which date, (iii) with which decision number.

Desk Rejection:
Manuscripts submitted to our journal undergo a preliminary assessment by our editors before entering the peer review process. This preliminary assessment determines whether your manuscript is suitable for peer review. Your manuscript may receive a "desk rejection" based on the following criteria:

Mismatch with the Journal's Scope and Aims: If your manuscript does not align with the topics and scope that our journal focuses on.
Non-Compliance with Quality Standards: If your manuscript contains numerous spelling and/or grammatical errors, does not adhere to our journal's formatting guidelines, or does not meet our scientific quality standards, including the consistency between in-text citations and the reference list.
Ethical and Research Integrity Violations: If there are issues such as lack of proper copyright permissions for data or images, the use of AI without proper acknowledgment, misrepresentation of plagiarism rates, or failure to obtain necessary ethical approvals for research requiring such permissions.
Lack of Originality and Impact: If your manuscript does not provide an original contribution to the scientific field or is not deemed sufficiently innovative.
Weak Research Methodology: If there are methodological issues such as missing research questions or objectives, biased methods, inadequate sample sizes, or insufficient literature review.
Journal's Strategic Priorities: If your manuscript does not align with the topics or types of articles that our journal prioritizes at a given time.
Current Submission Load: If our journal has received a high volume of submissions, we may not have the resources to review new manuscripts thoroughly.

This preliminary assessment process is implemented to use the time of our editors, reviewers, and authors efficiently. Manuscripts rejected at this stage can be revised and resubmitted to our journal or considered for submission to other appropriate journals.

Current Research in Social Sciences is committed to the principles of Committe of Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure and maintain academic and ethical publishing standards.

a. Editor responsibility
Current Research in Social Sciences is impartial in the submitted manuscripts to the journal. All submissions to the journal within the framework of ethical rules will be evaluated.
In the evaluation of the submitted manuscripts, double-blind peer review process is applied. In case of insufficient or conflicting reviewer opinions, another reviewew opinion may be consulted.
Any personal purpose and conflict of interest should be avoided for studies submitted to the journal.
If one of the authors of the submitted manuscript works for the same institution with the editor, another editor or guest editor will be the editor of the manuscript.

b. Reviewer responsibility
Reviewers must make independent evaluation.
They are responsible for keeping the confidentiality of the manuscript and the evaluation processes.
They should avoid any personal conflict of interest for the manuscript which they evaluate.
The reviewers to be assigned to the study submitted to the journal cannot work in the same institution with the author or one of the authors.

c. Author responsibility
The author(s) are responsible for submitting an original manuscirpt to the journal.
Authors should not submit their work to a journal and this study should not have been published in another journal.
All academic, ethical and legal responsibilities of the submitted manuscripts belong to the authors.


All research published in Current Research in Social Sciences should be conducted in accordance with national and international ethical guidelines, framework and guidelines.
Before proceeding of studies with humans, approval must be obtained from an institutional ethics committee and it must be verified in the manuscript. The name of the ethics committee and approval number should be provided in the study. In cases where ethical approval is not required and / or exempted, the relevant issue should be stated in the manuscript with an explanation. If the editor/editorial board request more information about ethical considerations, authors should be able to provide more information.
Discriminatory and stigmatizing language should not be used in defining groups such as race, religion, ethnic origin, disability, disease, gender, sexual orientation.

4.1. Special issues in research ethics

a. Survey studies
The researcher(s) must inform all participants about
(i) the purpose of the research,
(ii) whether anonymity is ensured,
(iii) how the data is stored,
(iv) Possible risks
(v) Privacy rights
The voluntary consent of the participants should be recorded, and all legal processes must be followed. Ethical approval must be obtained from the appropriate local ethics committee before conducting the study. In cases where ethical approval is not required for survey studies, researchers should add this point to the explanation. There will be a section in the manuscript to confirm the situations mentioned.

b. Research consents for children, adolescents, and vulnerable/incapacitated participants in the study
Written informed consent of children, adolescents and vulnerable/incapacitated participants is obtained from their legal parents or trustees. A statement confirming the existence of informed consent should be included in the study. Verbal informed consent was obtained instead of written consent, and this should be reported and explained in the study. Informed consents must be given by free without any coercion or external influence, in accordance with the points specified in the Nuremberg Law and Belmont Report.

c. Retrospective studies
Researchers should verify that they have obtained the necessary ethical approval for the research and that they have obtained permission from the database owner to use their data for the purpose of the research. For public databases for which permission is not required, this should be stated in the study.

d. Research on indigenous and private communities
Authors must obtain the necessary ethical permissions and informed consents in their research with indigenous and special communities. Authors should consider the existing situations for historical, cultural, political and social sensitivity and be aware of the ethical and legal restrictions of the written and visual materials related to indigenous and private communities.

e. Social media research
Authors should follow the ethical rules regarding the collection and publication of data obtained from social media platforms. For such studies, authors are recommended to consult the Social Data Science Lab and British Sociological Association's ethical statements, frameworks and guidelines on the subject.

f. Covert observational research
Although the study is conducted in secret due to some issues, the authors must obtain the ethical approval. Generally, in such studies, necessary informed consents are obtained after the study is completed. Authors must add the confidential rationale and information of ethical approval for the study. In such works, the editor, editorial board and managing editor reserve the right not to deem the manuscript suitable for evaluation.

Last Update Time: 6/4/24, 12:36:57 AM