Writing Rules

Writing rules
Information for Authors
A-General Information
➢A 1. 1. Article Application
1. Before making your application, make sure that you have the information about all authors (name-surname, full address, institution information) and the ORCID account numbers of each author (Article Title Page consists of this information). Otherwise, your application will not progress.
2. Your article should consist of three separate word (*.doc, *.docx) files: 1. Cover Letter, 2. Title Page, 3. Main Text File. The title page should include the authors' names, full institution addresses, contact information and ORCID account numbers. The main text file should never contain author names and personal information. Make sure you prepare these three files.
3. Open https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/rizetip in your internet browser.
4. After logging into the Dergi Park system, click the "Send article" button.
5. Download and fill out the Copyright and Publishing Policy Approval and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form and upload it by clicking the "File" button on the same page.

6. Click the “Save and continue” button.
7. On the page that opens, enter the article type, subject, language, title, keywords and abstract information.
8. Fill in the name, institution, country and ORCID number information for the article authors.
9. If there is more than one author, you can add a new author by pressing the "Add author" button and enter the information about that author.
10. Prepare your article bibliography in accordance with APA style and copy and paste it into the space on the screen, leaving one line space (the Bibliography must also be included in the Main Text).
11. Upload a copy of your article "without author names" by clicking the "File" button in the article files section. Write the name of the file as "full text" by checking the "I want to enter the file title textually" option below.

12. Upload the "title page file" containing author information by clicking the "Add new file" button and type the name of the file as "Title Page" by checking the "I want to enter the file title textually" box below and click the "Save" button.

13. Make sure that the bibliography you entered on the page that opens is prepared correctly. Proceed by clicking the “Save” button.
14. On the preview page that opens, you can send your note in the 'notes to the editor' section, if available.
15. Check your preview page, and if there are any missing items, make the necessary edits by clicking the 'Continue editing article submission' button.
16. If your information is complete and correct, click the "Send Article" button. After this stage, you cannot make any changes to your article submission (Send your change requests to the journal communication channels).

➢A 2. 1. Scope of the Journal
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Medical Journal includes studies in the fields of basic and clinical medicine and all fields of health sciences and is published online only 4 times a year in January, April, September and December. The publication language of the journal is Turkish or English. Article types: original research, invited review, compilation, case report, short report, technical report and letter to the editor are published in our journal. ➢A 2. 2. Article Submission Procedures All articles must be sent electronically to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Medical Journal via the ULAKBİM DergiPark (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/rizetip) system. Authors will be guided step by step through the creation and installation of various files on the system. It is prohibited to add a new author, remove a new author, or change authors after an article has been submitted. The peer review process is double blind, meaning that both authors and reviewers cannot see each other's names. If the author does not comply with the instructions or the article is outside the scope of the journal, the editor has the authority to reject the article without peer review. Manuscripts that do not comply with the format of articles sent to biomedical journals (http://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf) will be rejected. Once a paper has been accepted for publication, for example after the peer review process has been completed, authors will not be allowed to leave the paper.

➢A 2. 3. Preparation and Formatting of Writing Style

Articles should be prepared as a Microsoft Word file (*.doc, *.docx) in A4 size, 'Times New Roman' style, main text 12 point size, single line spacing, justified on both sides and in two columns. The first line indent in paragraphs should be 0.5 cm. Margins top, left, right and bottom should be 2.5 cm.
There should be 6 pt spaces between paragraphs and no blank lines. Table headings and table content should be written in 10-point font, and references should be written in 8-point font.
Each page of the article should be numbered in the lower right corner.
Articles can be written in Turkish or English. Participants whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have an English-speaking colleague or professional language editor review submitted manuscripts. It is highly recommended to scan the text on a computer with spelling and grammar programs.
When specifying decimals and numbers, a comma should be used in Turkish texts and a period should be used in English texts. In numbers expressed as a percentage, the % sign should be used in front of the number in Turkish texts and after the number in English texts.

➢A 2. 4 Symbols, Units and Abbreviations
Our journal follows the conventions of Scientific Style and Format, CSE Handbook for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Council of Science Editors, Reston, VA, USA (7th edition).
As an expression of statistical significance, p should be expressed in italics and lowercase letters, without spaces before and after the symbols '=, < and >' (such as p < 0.05).
If characters such as p, ×, µ, η or ν are used, they must be inserted using the symbols menu of the word processing program.
Instead of capital letters “o” or “0”, degree symbols (°) from the Symbols menu should be used.
Multiplication symbols (×) should be used instead of the letter “X”. A space must be left between numbers and units (e.g. “3 kg”), between numbers and mathematical symbols (+, -, ±, ×, =, <,>), or between numbers and percentage symbols (e.g. “45%).”
Authors should be consistent in their use of International System (SI) units. All abbreviations and symbols should be stated at their first occurrence. Afterwards, where they are mentioned in the text, appropriate abbreviations should be used without changing generic names, species names, abbreviations and symbols.

➢A 2.5. Article Withdrawal and Rejection

Article Retraction

Preliminary Evaluation Phase
Articles at this stage can be withdrawn by their author(s).
Referee Evaluation Stage
There may be a delay in the evaluation process of the submitted article, etc. Authors who want to withdraw their article and have it published elsewhere can withdraw their article from the journal with a written application and the approval of the journal editorial board.
Post Disclaimer
Manuscripts that are not accepted for publication are sent back with justification.
Maximum 15 days for articles requiring corrections at the pre-flight stage,
A maximum of 30 days is given for articles requiring correction after evaluation; if this period is exceeded, the article is rejected.
After Article Acceptance
After the article is accepted, authors' requests to withdraw the article are rejected. Additionally, once an article has been accepted for publication, authors will not be allowed to leave the article.

➢A 2.6 Article Evaluation and Acceptance Process

All articles sent to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Rize Medical Journal are reviewed in 3 stages. Preflight is the scientific evaluation process and the editing/typesetting process. The process for each article, including all stages, takes an average of 90 days. In the preliminary evaluation of the articles sent to the journal, the articles deemed appropriate to be sent to the referee by the decision of the editor-in-chief and the field editor are evaluated by at least two referees who are experts in the subject. With the positive opinion of two referees and the approval of the field editor, the article is taken to the editorial board for the "approval for publication" process. If a change is deemed necessary during the evaluation processes, the publication will be re-examined after the requested changes are made by the authors within 30 days, and spelling and grammatical errors can be corrected by the editorial board without affecting the content of the article.
If the article is accepted, the acceptance letter is sent to the corresponding author within two weeks. The typed pdf file of the article before the electronic edition is always sent to the authors for final reading in order to make final checks and corrections by the author. The journal owner and the editorial board are authorized to decide in which issue of the journal the accepted article will be published. Inaccuracies or omissions caused by some negligence on the part of the journal during the final printing may be corrected in the error section in a later issue. This section does not contain errors that were not corrected by the author during proofreading.

B-Article Writing Rules
➢B 1. Article Types
➢B 1.1. Original Research
It should consist of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Materials and Methods", "Findings", "Discussion", "Results" and "References" sections respectively.
It should be at most 15 pages (excluding abstract, acknowledgments and references).

➢B 1.1.1. Systematic Review

It is within the scope of the research article. It is created by systematically and comprehensively scanning the studies published in the relevant field, determining which studies will be included in the compilation within the framework of various objective acceptance and rejection criteria, and synthesizing the information on the relevant subject. When submitting their manuscripts, authors should use standard checklists for systematic review and meta-analysis, showing that they comply with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement (http://www.prisma-statement.org/), and submit them when requested. . It should be up to date, including the latest medical literature. It is preferred that the author has published articles on that subject. Systematic reviews are a type of secondary research studies that provide the best evidence to multiple scientific disciplines and clinical practitioners (physicians, nurses, midwives, etc.). In order to define a review article systematically, the processes of identifying and selecting the studies to be included in the review and synthesizing the study data must be followed. Systematic review studies; It should consist of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Materials and Methods", "Findings", "Discussion", "Results" and "References" sections.

➢B 1.1.2. Meta analysis
Meta-analysis is research articles written to provide convincing documentation (the highest degree of evidence) regarding the accuracy and reality of the effectiveness of interventions.
It is a type of statistical literature developed to show the effect of a certain situation with a single estimator by combining the findings of at least two independent studies on a certain subject. By combining the findings of more than one study, the validity and reliability of the results will be strengthened. While individual studies with small samples may not have statistical significance, articles combined with meta-analysis enable this problem to be overcome. Meta-analysis can be performed for both experimental and quantitative studies. Meta-analysis articles; It should consist of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Materials and Methods", "Findings", "Discussion", "Results" and "References" sections.

➢B 1.1.3. Brief Statement
Brief papers are short, peer-reviewed articles that focus on a high-quality, hypothesis-driven, original piece of research of exclusive scope and/or a proposal for a new theory or concept based on existing research (Full text is not an original research article!). These articles, which will arouse significant and widespread interest in the field, should not be presented as a preliminary report or as a publication based on the incremental data of a research.
It should consist of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Materials and Methods", "Findings", "Discussion", "Results" and "References" sections respectively.
➢B 1.2. Invited Compilation
Invited Review articles are articles written by experts with rich knowledge and cited studies in their field. Identify, evaluate and discuss existing knowledge on a topic within the scope of the journal; The journal sends invitations to the authors it has selected to write review articles that guide future studies.
Authors of the review article must be a scientific authority on the subject of the article and must document their publications regarding their relevant work in the field in the "Cover Letter" (authors must have at least one SCI/SCI-expanded indexed publication related to the subject of the review). Authors who do not list relevant publications by review authors in their cover letter will have their manuscripts returned.
It should be a maximum of 20 pages and 6000 words (excluding abstract and references). Reviews differ from standard writing. The universal format of writing IMRAD (the abstract is structured in a certain format, as in a research article) is not applied in review articles. Review articles consist of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Discussion", "Conclusion" and "References" sections. The "Introduction" section is more comprehensive and explains the purpose of the review and the rationale for the article. "Material and There is no "Method" and "Findings" section. The discussion section will be kept broad and studies on the same subject will be synthesized in line with personal experiences. The conclusion section is the subheading of the "Discussion" section and is a comment and evaluation paragraph on the subject. The author who sent the review article ( s) should also include a section in the article describing the methods they used for the selection, acquisition and synthesis of the data they used in the article. These methods should also be stated in the Abstract section. The sources will be more numerous than in all articles. However, the author's own works will also be included.

➢B 1. 3. Compilation

It should be a maximum of 20 pages and 6000 words (excluding abstract and references). Review articles consist of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Discussion", "Conclusion" and "References" sections. In general terms, the "Introduction" section is more comprehensive and explains the purpose of the review and the rationale for the article. "Material and There is no "Method" and "Findings" section. The discussion section will be kept broad and studies on the same subject will be synthesized in line with personal experiences. The conclusion section is the subheading of the "Discussion" section and is a comment and evaluation paragraph on the subject. The author who sent the review article ( s) must also include a section in the article describing the methods they used for the selection, acquisition and synthesis of the data they used in the article. These methods should also be stated in the Abstract section. The sources will be more numerous than all the articles.
➢B 1. 4 Case Reports
It should be at most 10 pages (excluding abstract, acknowledgments and references). It should be limited to a Turkish and English abstract limited to 100 words.
Case reports should include "Abstract", "Keywords", "Case Report", "Discussion" and "References" sections respectively.
➢B 1. 5 Letter to the Editor
It should be at most 5 pages (excluding abstract and references). It may not contain substance. It should not contain more than 4 authors.
It can contain at most one drawing or chart.
If it is written as a dedication to an article, it should be stated by giving the number and date, and the author's name, institution and address should be included at the end of the text.

➢B 2. Article Submission File Editing
Articles should be organized as follows:
*Since blind referee practice is used in the journal, there should not be any information about the authors in the main text of the article. In addition to these files, which are defined as article files, the Copyright Approval Form, Author Contribution Form, Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (ICJME Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form) must be filled out appropriately and sent along with the Similarity Report.
1. Cover Letter
2. Title Page
3. Article Draft File | Main Text Document
Abstract (word count will be appropriate to the article type, in English and Turkish)


Materials and Methods


Discussion (Limitations of the study should be included in this section)
Conclusion (Conclusion)
Ethical Dimension of Research (Ethics Committee Approval)
Informed Consent
Author contributions (Author Contributions)
Thank you (Acknowledgments)
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Research Support (Financial Disclosure)
Drawing and Table (Figure and Table)

➢B 2. 1. Cover Letter
Cover letter for the article you submit: It allows you to communicate directly with the editor and state the most important results of your research. It is an important opportunity that allows you to give the editor a good first impression of your article and thus allow the editor to examine your article more deeply. The technical details you provide in your cover letter will contribute to the editor's understanding of the article. We recommend that you be careful while doing this, and provide a technical depth presentation that does not go into excessive detail. It will be important to try to explain your study in a sentence or two without delving too much into statistics and numbers. Although there is no obstacle to preparing a 'Referee Suggestion List' for article submissions, referee invitations during the article evaluation processes are made from the journal referee pool. You can also add referees you do not want in this list. It shows your knowledge and depth of research in this field, as well as your command of the literature. A good cover letter contains precise and clear explanations of the benefits gained from the study and the conclusions reached in your research. The journal receives an enormous amount of articles per issue period, and editors see dozens of articles per year. In this case, since the first thing you need to do to draw attention to your work is to attract the attention of the editor, it is very important that you pay due attention to the cover letter.

➢B 2.2. Title Page

The title page must be uploaded separately from the main text file of the article.
On the title page; The title of the article (Turkish and English), the names and surnames of all authors and their institutions should be included under the title. The corresponding author's name and surname, telephone number, e-mail and correspondence addresses must be included. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) numbers of all article authors should be added to the title page.
The article title should be written in Turkish and English, limited to 25 words. The short title (running title, running head) must be in Turkish and English, limited to 50 characters (including spaces).

➢B 2.3. Article Draft File | Main Text Document (Must be sent as a single word document)
➢B 2.3.1 Abstract Page
The Abstract should be written in Turkish and English, with titles and titles, not exceeding 150 words in research articles and 100 words in case reports and compilations, single-spaced and in 10-point font. There should be 6 pt spaces between paragraphs and no blank lines. In summary order; It should consist of 'Aim', 'Materials and Methods', 'Results' and 'Conclusion' sections. The use of abbreviations in abstracts should be avoided as much as possible. When the use of abbreviations is absolutely necessary, they should be used after being defined in parentheses at the first occurrence.
In Invited Compilation/Compilation and Case Report, the abstract page should be written without dividing it into sections. In the summary; General information, equations, citations, non-standard abbreviations and reference references should not be included.
There should be no spelling errors in the sentences. When specifying decimal numbers, a comma should be used in Turkish texts and a period should be used in English texts. In numbers expressed as a percentage, the % sign should be used in front of the number in Turkish texts and after the number in English texts.

➢B 2.3.2 Keywords
"Keywords" should be given below the Abstract. The first letter of the keywords should start with a capital letter and be separated by semicolons. Keywords should be prepared with at least 3 and maximum 5 words. (Ex: Keywords: Word 1; Word 2; Word 3; Word 4; Word 5)
If your article is written in Turkish, the Turkish title should be written at the top and the abstract should be written on the left side of the page. If it is written in English, the English title should be written at the top and the abstract should be written on the left side.

➢B 2.3.3 Main Text
➢B Introduction
Articles written in either Turkish or English are published in our magazine. The articles should be prepared as a Microsoft Word file in A4 size, 'Times New Roman' style, main text 12 point size, single line spacing, justified on both sides and in two columns. The first line indent in paragraphs should be 0.5 cm. Margins top, left, bottom and right should be 2.5 cm.
There should be 6 pt spaces between paragraphs and no blank lines. Table headings and table content should be written in 10-point font, and references should be written in 8-point font.
The introduction should be clear and concise with references to the topic of study and the proposed approach or solution. Excessive literature citations should be avoided. Only the latest literature citations that are necessary to indicate the reason for the research being conducted and the necessary background should be given.
Resources must be up to date. The quotation source of each quoted sentence should be stated at the end of that sentence. Reference numbers should be written in superscript only after the period at the end of the sentence. Sources should be listed in the order of their use in the text. When writing more than one reference number, a space should be left after the comma. If more than two consecutive reference numbers are to be written, a "-" sign should be placed between the first number and the last number. The purpose should be written in the last paragraph without stating it under a separate heading.

➢B Materials and Methods
The author(s) should describe their clinical, technical or experimental procedures clearly and concisely. A precise description of the selection of observational or experimental subjects (e.g., patients or laboratory animals, including controls) must be provided. Experimental research involving humans or animals must be approved by an ethics committee. All chemicals and drugs used must be accurately identified, including their generic names and the names of the manufacturer, city, and country in parentheses. Adopted techniques or methodology should be supported by standard references. New or significantly modified methods should be briefly described. A detailed description of the established procedures is unnecessary. The device should only be described if they are not standard. Commercially available devices used must be stated (including the manufacturer's name and address in parentheses). Only SI units should be used for each measurement.
The type of research, method, population, sample size and sampling method should be stated and, if necessary, why these methods were chosen should be explained.
Subheadings should be written as follows:

Type of Research

Population and Sample of the Research

Data Collection Tools
Analysis of Data
Ethical Dimension of Research

(Subheadings should be written in bold font, as stated above, with the first letters capitalized, without using punctuation after the title. Subheadings other than the titles mentioned above should not be written.)
Turkish language spelling rules should be taken into consideration in sentences.
How the research was conducted, its design, and the methods used to collect data should be stated.
In the data analysis section, preferred statistical evaluation methods should be stated together with the reasons for preference. Statistical analysis should be performed in accordance with the guidelines for reporting statistical data in medical journals (Altman DG, Gore SM, Gardner MJ, Pocock SJ. Statistical guidelines for contributors to medical journals. Br Med J 1983: 7; 1489-93). Information about statistical analysis should be written under the subheading "Analysis of Data" in this section, and the software used should be clearly described.

In general, what the tools and devices used in this section are, the name of the materials used, the conditions in which the study was carried out and the experimental conditions, the stages of life of the living creatures used in the study, how long the study lasted, the conditions of the places used in the study, such as the room, and the temperature and light. The answers to many questions that can be multiplied, such as physical details, light exposure time or exposure time to radiation, wavelengths, depths of samples taken or depths at which measurements are made, location of the study area, how often the measuring devices are calibrated, how often measurements are made, can be found in this section. should be explained. If there are any deviations from the planned flow of the research, the reasons should be explained and how their impact on the results was minimized or prevented.

➢B Findings
The data obtained as a result of the study should be given in the findings. To facilitate understanding of the data, simple and easily understandable tables, figures and graphs should be provided. Tables, figures and graphs should be given with their titles in the relevant text field after the 'References' section in the main text of the article. Figures and tables must be in a readable size (Times New Roman / 10 point). There should be one line of space before headings and before and after tables or figures. Only top, bottom and horizontal borders should be used in tables, and vertical borders should not be used.

➢B Drawings and Tables
Visual presentation tools such as photographs, graphics, figures and pictures used in the text are defined as 'Drawing'. 'Charts' are visual presentation tools containing classified data.
Tables should be given with their titles in the relevant text field, after the 'References' section in the main text of the article.
Tables should be created using the table menu, cells should not contain more than one value, alignments should not be made with the space bar, numbers should be centered and text should be left-justified. The statistical test used should be given at the end of the table.
When relevant data is shared in the text, readers should be directed to the correct table, figure or graph by referring to the table and figure containing the data. The titles of tables and figures should be about the data in the table and should be arranged in a way that makes it clear what they mean. In this section, it is expected to convey to the reader the new information obtained as a result of the study, and to explain why the results are important and what they mean.

Pictures, Photographs and Figures: They should be stated in the main text of the article, after the 'References' section, under the heading 'Drawings and Tables' and with the explanation under the drawing in 10 font size. Additionally, it must be uploaded via the system by selecting the "Images" heading. Figures must be drawn and photographed professionally.
Photographs and scans taken with a digital camera must be taken at a resolution of at least 300 dpi, 1280x960 pixels in size, and saved in JPG, GIFF, PNG or TIFF formats. There should be no text on the picture unless necessary. Pictures and figures should be placed in a separate file of pictures, figures and photographs, one per page. Each of them should be named and numbered as subtitles. They should not be placed within the text, they should be numbered with Arabic numbers according to the order of use in the text and shown in parentheses in the text. When symbols, arrows or letters pointing to certain parts of the picture are used, these should be explained in the subtitle. If any, the expansions of the abbreviations should be placed below the subtitle and in alphabetical order. In microscopic images, the magnification rate and staining technique should be explained. When using figures and images previously published in print or electronically, written permission must be obtained from both the author and the printing house, and this must be sent to the journal editorship by fax or mail. When using images of individuals whose faces are not hidden and are visible in a recognizable manner, written permission must be obtained from them.

Pictures, figures and graphics in the text should be shown under the name "Figure"; Figures and graphics should be drawn on a computer. Tables, figures and equations should be numbered sequentially, and the first letter of each word should be written in capital letters under the figures.

➢B Discussion
In the discussion section, the findings obtained as a result of the study are interpreted and compared with previously published studies. The findings obtained in the introduction and conclusion sections should be compared with the relevant literature without being repetitive. When making comparisons, it is necessary to cite not only the authors and articles supporting the study, but also the opposing views and results, and the factors that are effective in the emergence of these opposing situations should be stated. New and important findings from the study should be included. At the same time, the connection between the comments made and the purpose of the study should be stated. A conclusion should be reached at the end of the chapter in line with the data obtained from the study.

The limitations of the research section is the section where the limitations of the research they conducted are expressed by the author(s) as a subheading in the continuation of the discussion.
➢B Conclusion
In this section, the data obtained as a result of the study should be presented in a logical sequence. Data such as tables and figures should not be included in this section.
If the author has suggestions that he would like to convey to people who will work on the same subject or related subjects after him, or to other institutions and stakeholders, these can be written under the heading 'suggestions'. Your suggestions; It must be based on results.
Ethical Dimension of Research
Informed Consent
Author Contributions
It should be expressed based on the authors' research contribution form.
The acknowledgment letter should be written before the references if they are to be added.
Conflict of Interest Declaration
Relationships of interest of individuals and organizations with the authors, if any, should be stated. Otherwise, the statement 'the authors have no conflict of interest' should be added.
Research Support
If it is taken from University Scientific Research projects, TÜBİTAK projects and similar institutions, the project number and the persons and organizations that financially support the study should be stated. Otherwise, the statement "There is no person/organization that financially supports the study" should be included.


Subjects such as congresses where the study has been presented before, if any, should be stated at the end of the text.

➢B Resources
The journal uses APA style in referencing and recommends the use of citation editing programs (EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.) in writing references.
(http://library.nymc.edu/informatics/amastyle.cfm; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hzvgxnau1lBPUBYfKN1vTBKbPE31LBXQ).

➢Reference In-Text
References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, and reference numbers should be given as superscripts.

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