Writing Rules

Style and Formatting

Manuscripts submitted to the journal must adhere to rigorous academic language and present a well-defined theoretical and methodological framework that is systematically expounded throughout the paper.

Articles should have a title, abstract, keywords, introductory section, conceptual/theoretical discussion, methodology, analysis/discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments and bibliography.

Authors are required to disclose in the acknowledgments section if the article is based on prior work presented at a conference or constitutes a section of a thesis.

Submission of Thesis-Based Articles: Authors are encouraged to submit articles based on their theses, provided they are appropriately adapted into article format. These submissions will undergo the standard review process, during which revisions may be requested following referee and/or editorial assessments. Failure to address requested revisions will result in the return of the articles to the author. This process ensures that thesis-based articles meet the standards of scholarly publishing and contribute effectively to the academic discourse within the respective field.Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format using a 12-point Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing. In-text citations and references should adhere to APA Style (7th edition) formatting, generated using either EndNote or Microsoft Word's built-in reference tools.

Article Length: Manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words, including the abstract, bibliography, figure/table captions, and footnotes.

Commentary & Book Review Length: Commentaries and book reviews are limited to 2,000 words, encompassing footnotes and the bibliography. Abstracts should be between 150 and 200 words in length and include five keywords.

For research involving field studies (interviews or surveys with individuals) that meet TRDizin Indexing criteria, authors must submit an "ethics committee approval" document. As outlined in Article 6 of TRDizin Indexing criteria, research requiring ethics committee approval should include details about the permission (board name, date, and issue number) in the methods section and on either the first or last page of the article. Please review the TRDizin Indexing criteria to determine if your research requires ethics committee approval. If not, you do not need to submit a separate document.    

Authors must submit the following documents:

1- Full article file (including author information)
2- Full article file (anonymized)
3- Author Agreement Form
4- Plagiarism Report (Turnitin or iThenticate)
5- Ethics Committee Approval (if necessary)

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the journal's online submission system. Click the "Submit Article" button to begin the upload process.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to upload a completed "Author Agreement Form" which includes a conflict of interest and disclosure statement.

If any AI tools are used in the article, this must be reported using the "Author Statement on AI Usage" during the submission process and also mentioned in the METHODS section of the article. Detailed information can be found below in "Ethical Principles-IMPORTANT NOTE ON AI USE".

Authors with inquiries or questions can contact the journal editors at iletisimdergi@marmara.edu.tr.

Editorial Assessment and Peer Review

In our journal, an author’s article cannot be published in two consecutive issues in line with the principle of author and institutional diversity. Articles submitted through Dergipark are initially subjected to an editorial pre-evaluation process. During this process, the article's alignment with the journal's publication goals, quality, and writing guidelines are assessed. Articles deemed unsuitable are not considered for evaluation and are returned.

Articles with deficiencies that can be corrected in a short time may be sent back to the authors for resubmission. Authors are given 5 days to address these deficiencies and resubmit. Articles not resubmitted within 5 days are returned.

Authors are required to upload similarity reports from Turnitin or iThenticate when submitting articles. Articles with a similarity rate exceeding 10% are returned to the author and the evaluation process is terminated. No single source in the report can have a similarity rate of 4% or higher. Even if the similarity rate is below 10%, articles with issues may be sent back to the author for revision.

Articles lacking Ethics Committee Approval are returned at the very beginning of the process. The pre-evaluation process is completed within 15 days. Articles that pass the pre-evaluation successfully enter the peer review process.

TURCOM conducts a double-blind peer review process. Efforts are made to ensure that reviewers are not from the same institution as the authors. The names of the reviewers and authors are kept confidential and are not disclosed under any circumstances. The board of reviewers changes with each issue and is formed according to the topics of the articles. Reviewers for interdisciplinary articles are selected based on their relevant fields. Click here for the Reviewer Evaluation Guide.

Initially, two reviewers are assigned based on the article's field. The editor makes a decision based on the received reports and may consult additional reviewers if necessary. Authors must carefully and promptly comply with requested revisions and submit the final version of the articles, corrected, within the specified time through the Dergipark system. If the requested revisions are not adequately addressed, this is communicated to the author and further revisions may be requested. Articles not resubmitted with corrections within the specified time are removed from the evaluation process and returned.

For revisions requested during the peer review process, all corrections must be marked using the "track changes" option in Office programs or highlighted in red. Articles not uploaded in this manner may have their peer review process terminated.

A decision of acceptance at the end of the peer review process does not guarantee the article's acceptance. Articles that have completed the evaluation process undergo editorial review, and further corrections may be requested; the final decision on publication rests with the editor.

For accepted articles, a final proofreading process is conducted in the subsequent stages. At this stage, corrections are requested from the authors and prompt responses are expected. Authors are informed about the processes at every stage by responsible assistant editors.

The final decision on the publication of articles rests with the Editor. The Editor's assessment of the article, along with the reviewer reports, is communicated to the author(s) as soon as possible.

Ethical Guidelines

Originality: Articles submitted for publication in the journal must not have been previously published in another publication or be under evaluation for publication.

Presentations at Academic Meetings Previously presented papers at national or international scientific meetings, congresses, conferences or symposia can be accepted and taken into the evaluation process on condition that they have not been published in another journal or publication and are converted into article format and content.

Author Responsibility: The authors are solely responsible for the content of the articles.

Discrimination and Hate Speech: Articles must not contain any discrimination, sexism, racism or any hate speech. Articles detected with such problems will be returned.

Copyright: · The articles in Turkish Review of Communication Studies are open access articles licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.en). The copyright of articles found suitable for publication belongs to the Turkish Journal of Communication Research and cannot be published elsewhere. No royalties are paid to the author(s).

Open Access: The author(s) agree that the full text of their articles can be included in non-commercial electronic databases to support the national and international sharing of academic knowledge.

Ethics Committee Approval: For all research in which people or animals are used as subjects or data sources, ethics committee approval must be obtained and uploaded to the system during article submission according to TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR Dizin Criteria. Articles without ethics committee approval will be returned.

The principles mentioned above for articles also apply to review articles.


There is an ongoing debate among publishers and editors about the boundaries of using AI tools in academic writing. COPE's position statement (February 2023) asserts that AI tools like ChatGPT cannot be listed as authors. Authors must disclose AI usage in the Methods section, specifying how and which tools were used. They are fully responsible for all content, including AI-generated parts, and must ensure compliance with publication ethics.

In a COPE Forum discussion (March 2023), it was noted that AI tools can be beneficial, particularly for non-native English speakers or those with writing difficulties. However, transparency and responsibility in AI use are crucial. While this discussion is not a formal position statement, we suggest academics follow these ethical guidelines. Authors submitting to TURCOM should clearly state any AI tools used, the reasons for their use, and which parts of the paper were AI-assisted. A file should be prepared in the specified template and uploaded to the system during the application process.

As the editorial team, we continue to closely monitor developments related to artificial intelligence and publishing. Should any position statement be published on this topic, we will update our policies accordingly.

Thank you for your cooperation. For more details, please visit COPE's position statement and the COPE Forum discussion.


In-text citations and references for articles must be formatted in accordance with APA 7 using reference management software such as Endnote or Microsoft Word Office.

Authors are encouraged to use a consistent and clear style throughout the manuscript.
The journal recommends using a professional proofreading service to ensure the quality of the manuscript.
Authors should carefully follow the journal's formatting guidelines to avoid delays in the review process.


For questions about the process, you can send an email to iletisimdergi@marmara.edu.tr.

You can also follow our journal from social media: https://x.com/turcomdergi 

Last Update Time: 5/28/24, 10:00:55 PM