Type: Single-blind peer-reviewed, open access journal
National Index: Tr-Dizin/ULAKBIM
International Index: DOAJ, Index Copernicus
Submission Language: Turkish or English
Publication Language: English
Submission Fee: $20 (Submission check: Scope, Ethics, Quality and Plagiarism checks)
Editorial Processing Charges (EPCs): $110 (Not subject to acceptance/rejection. Requested if it passes submission check)
Publication schedule: Quarterly issues released in March, July, October, and December.
Scope: Family Medicine, Palliative Care, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Emergency Medicine, Minor Surgery Branches
Archiving Policy (LOCKSS)
FPPC is using the LOCKSS archiving system. The LOCKSS system has permission to collect, preserve, and serve our journal’s archive at http://www.fppc.com.tr/en/pub/fppc/lockss-manifest.
Advertising Policy
The journal does not feature any form of advertising or marketing content. It should be noted that such content associated with FPPC may be potentially related to fraudulent activities.